Fringe Box



Stage Dragon: Four Talented Actors Play 20 Characters in Bouncers

Published on: 5 Jun, 2019
Updated on: 5 Jun, 2019

By Alice Fowler

Bouncers, by playwright John Godber, is a paean to Britain’s nightclub scene: a ‘midnight circus’ of hope, anticipation, heavy drinking and despair.

The cast of Bouncers, from left: Shaun Blaney, Sam Stay, Gareth Davies and Martin Allanson.

Four extremely talented actors – in this Guildford Fringe Theatre Company production – play some 20 characters, shifting in a heartbeat from brutish bouncer to heaving drunk.

Godber is said to be Britain’s third most performed playwright (after Shakespeare and Alan Ayckbourn) and watching this fast-paced production it’s easy to see why. There is humour aplenty as young men and women primp and preen, downing shots in readiness for their big night out. Watching over the alcohol-fuelled maelstrom that ensues are four bouncers who must somehow keep the peace.

Set in Yorkshire, the action could unfold in any town in Britain, including ours. The cast – Gareth Davies, Shaun Blaney, Martin Allanson and Sam Stay, all with impressive acting CVs – are uniformly excellent. The small stage of The Back Room at the Star pub in Quarry Street, Guildford, with a set consisting of four beer barrels, makes the perfect setting for this visceral exploration of a night out on the town.

Bouncers is at the Back Room of the Star pub until Saturday, June 8.

Director Harry Blumenau, assisted by Charlotte Bateup, draws out every ounce of fun and innuendo. But Bouncers has another, more thoughtful side. The most senior of the four, Lucky Eric – superbly played by Gareth Davies – steps out of the action from time to time to reflect more deeply on what occurs. Does anyone really care, he (and Godber) ask, if the working classes drink themselves to death, or spend on a single night their money for the week?

Last year’s Fringe production of Godber’s Teechers was a hit. This show is every bit as good. Seek it out for a barrel-load of laughs – and some darker notes as well.

Bouncers continues at The Back Room of the Star Inn until Saturday, June 8. Call 01483 361101 or visit

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