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Sutherland Memorial Park Gets New All-weather Courts and Cricket Wicket

Published on: 9 Dec, 2012
Updated on: 9 Dec, 2012

Sports clubs, residents and visitors will benefit from new all-weather courts and a cricket wicket at Sutherland Memorial Park in Burpham. 

Sutherland Memorial Park at Burpham.

The existing courts were built in the 1980s and need to be upgraded. Funding for the scheme will come from Section 106 contributions, which are collected from developers of large building schemes in the area to help provide amenities for the local community.

Cllr Matt Furniss, Lead Councillor for Environment, said: “The courts are very well used by the local community, with nearly 40 local teams and groups enjoying them every week. It’s now time to upgrade the courts and wicket so we can continue to provide safe, high quality sport facilities. Using developer contributions means that this work can be completed with no cost to local tax payers.

“We hope that the improved facilities will encourage more people to come along and try a new sport, including tennis, five-a-side football and cricket.”

The total S106 contribution will be £121,603. Work will start this winter and is due to be completed in spring 2013.

For more information on sports pitches in the borough, call 01483 444718.

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Responses to Sutherland Memorial Park Gets New All-weather Courts and Cricket Wicket

  1. Trevor Wicks Reply

    December 12, 2012 at 5:30 am

    I would like to know who the developers are who are funding this investment using section 106 funds and what the large development is

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