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Beekeepers’s Notes: Colonies Not Making It Through The Winter

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon I had a quick look at my hives on a mild day in January and found that a couple of my hives, out of…

Beekeeper’s Notes December 2016: What Do Beekeepers Do In The Winter?

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon. In the latest of his monthly notes, he talks about what beekeepers are supposed to do in the winter (but don’t always). It is…

Beekeeper’s Notes November 2016: Honey On Show

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon. In the latest of his monthly notes, he talks about the National Honey Show and adulterated honey being exported around the world. I heard…

Beekeeper’s Notes September 2016: Ghostly Bees

Hugh Coakley, who keeps bees in Worplesdon, talks about observing the hive entrance for clues on what is going on inside and the strange sighting of ghostly bees around this…

Beekeeper’s Notes August 2016: ‘Barefoot’ Beekeeping

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon. In this month’s Beekeeper’s Notes, he talks about a hive that had been abandoned for years and the pros and cons of the bees doing their own…

Beekeeper’s Notes May 2016: ‘Darling, I think I’ve Got A Notifiable Disease’

Hugh Coakley, who keeps bees in Worplesdon, talks about having a notifiable disease and what he had to do about his fears. “Darling, I think I’ve got a notifiable disease”…

Beekeeper’s Notes April 2016: No Pensions For Bees

Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon and talks about the new beekeeeping season and the bees working until they drop in his monthly series. My bees, thank goodness, look to…

Beekeeper’s Notes March 2016 – Starving Bees Turn Cannibal

 Hugh Coakley keeps bees in Worplesdon. In this month’s notes, he talks about how honeybees will suck the fluids from their own brood to save the colony from starvation. There…