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Guildford MP Will ‘Continue to Mediate’ Between Allotment Tenants And Council

By Hugh Coakley Guildford MP Angela Richardson has said that she is happy to continue to mediate between GBC and allotment holders at the new allotment sites being created as…

Allotment Holders ‘Intensely Disappointed’ As Most Bellfields Allotments to Go For Homes

By Hugh Coakley After a long-running battle between the council and allotment holders in Bellfields, the Secretary of State has finally confirmed GBC can take over part of Bellfield allotments…

1,550-Home Weyside Urban Village Gets Approval To Proceed

By Hugh Coakley The 1,550-home Weyside Urban Village development was finally approved by Guildford Borough Council’s planning committee on Tuesday, October 19 with one abstention, after nearly 20 years of…

Tenants Objecting to GBC’s ‘Imminent’ Application for 77% of Bellfields Allotments

By Hugh Coakley GBC is making another bid to get permission to reallocate land in Bellfields currently used for allotments. The permission is necessary to progress work on the 1,500…

New Sewage Treatment Works Plans Revealed For Public Consultation

Thames Water has revealed its plans to relocate Guildford’s sewage treatment plant. It is asking the public for their views before submitting a formal planning application to Surrey County Council, the waste planning…

Guildford’s MP Steps In To Break Stalemate In Bellfields Battle Over Allotments

By Hugh Coakley Guildford’s MP, Angela Richardson has stepped in to support the Bellfields campaigners’ battle to save their allotments from being taken for the 1,550 houses planned for the…

Guildford MP Digs Into Allotment Issues in Weyside Village Plan

By Hugh Coakley Guildford MP Angela Richardson has visited Bellfields allotments, met tenants and checked the proposed replacement site at North Moors “to gain an on-the-ground perspective of the issues…

Letter: Why Does GBC Refuse To Discuss Allotments Problem At Weyside Village?

From: Philippa Wright Chair, Guildford Allotment Co-operative Society Limited. In response to:  Opinion: Allotment holders rights must be balanced with the need for affordable houses. As Cllr John Rigg says,…

Letter: Is GBC Condemned To Repeat Allotment Appeal Still Without Negotiation?

Letter: Is GBC Condemned To Repeat Allotment Appeal Still Without Negotiation?

From: Alastair Watson Save Bellfields Allotments Group, committee member, National Allotments Society In response to: Opinion: Allotment Holder Rights Must Be Balanced With the Need for Affordable Houses The three…

Council Calls For Engagement But Allotment Holders Still Oppose Weyside Proposals

By Hugh Coakley Bellfields allotment tenants, who fear they will be told to move if a development project proceeds, have criticised a questionnaire the borough council are asking them to…

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