Thames Water has revealed its plans to relocate Guildford’s sewage treatment plant.
It is asking the public for their views before submitting a formal planning application to Surrey County Council, the waste planning authority, later this year.
The new eight hectare plant will replace the existing 60-year-old sewage works, which will be dismantled to make way for the Weyside Urban Village project at Slyfield and its proposed 1,500 homes.
Funded by Guildford Borough Council, the new treatment plant will be future-proofed to cater for the town’s growing population. Thames Water says it will appoint a contractor later this year.
Consultation on the proposals is now running until July 16 . Thames Water says it will hold face-to-face drop-in sessions if restrictions are lifted in line with the Government’s coronavirus roadmap.
Subject to planning approval, construction is expected to start next summer to be completed by autumn 2026, including a year of commissioning. The new treatment plant has to be fully operational before the existing site can be dismantled.
The new treatment works will be built on a former landfill site at the northern edge of the Slyfield Industrial Estate, which it is said cannot be used for housing. It will mean that most structures will have to have piled foundations. A remediation plan will set out how contamination risks will be reduced.
The works will include a new effluent and stormwater outfall pipe to the River Wey and a gravity transfer tunnel from the existing pumping station.
New effluent and stormwater outfall pipe to the River Wey. It will be underground but will include a new permanent structure on the southern bank of the river.
Thames Water’s capital delivery director, Francis Paonessa, said: “This is a unique opportunity to work alongside the local council to provide the best services for Guildford’s residents now and in the future.
“This will be the first new sewage works to be built by Thames Water since Reading sewage treatment works opened more than 15 years ago. It shows our commitment to constantly improving the service we offer our customers.”
Guildford Borough Council’s lead councillor for regeneration, John Rigg, said: “The land swap we have agreed with Thames Water, and the government funding we have secured to enable this relocation, are fundamental to creating our new Weyside Urban Village.
“The development will bring new homes, employment opportunities and community space to residents. Crucially, at a time when demand for affordable housing is rising, 40% of the new homes will be affordable.”
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Bryan P James
May 26, 2021 at 7:30 am
My concerns are that toxins from the old landfill site will leech into the River Wey along with untreated effluents from the site. What assurance can Thames Water give that this would not happen and there would not be a risk of polluting the river Wey as happens on various other sites around the country.
This was highlighted on BBC’s Countryfile recently showing the devastating toll on wildlife and the risks of general public use the river for recreation?