Fringe Box



Taxi Fares to Remain Unchanged Following Threat of Legal Action By Drivers

Published on: 12 Aug, 2015
Updated on: 17 Aug, 2015
Taxis at the Guildford Station Rank

Taxis at the Guildford Station Rank

Fares for hackney carriages (taxis) in the Borough of Guildford will remain unchanged, following a decision taken yesterday.

Cllr Graham Ellwood (Con, Merrow), lead councillor for community safety and licensing says: “Having spoken to drivers, listened to their concerns and taken account of written representations, I have concluded that the current taxi fares should remain unchanged. This is a fair and balanced decision to both the public and taxi drivers.

“Whilst fuel prices have dropped substantially over the last year, other costs have risen and in the current financial climate we need to strike a fair balance.”

The existing table of fares will now remain in place.

Responding, Mark Rostron, secretary of the Guildford Hackney Association, said: “After threatening to savagely cut taxi drivers income by 18 per cent, the council have, at the very last minute, correctly left fares as they were, but only as a result of the prospective legal action by drivers which could have resulted in the taxpayers or councillors incurring compensation liability for the damaging proposed cuts at the rate of over £5.5 million per year.

“This another of a long series of botched reviews and consultations by the council. We have no confidence in the competence of councillors and council officers regulating the trade, and they should resign to stop further costs to taxpayers.”

For a copy of the table of fares, visit:

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Responses to Taxi Fares to Remain Unchanged Following Threat of Legal Action By Drivers

  1. Benn Simmonds Reply

    August 14, 2015 at 11:03 am

    As a hackney carriage driver in Guildford, I am pleased with the outcome. This is only one of the issues we have with the council who do not listen to us.

    There is still a consultation in September to deal with, regarding wheelchair accessibility and livery.

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