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If The Temperature Drops, Age UK Surrey Can Help

Published on: 4 Feb, 2015
Updated on: 4 Feb, 2015

A staggering 550 older people in Surrey die needlessly every year because of the cold according to the Office of National Statistics. Age UK Surrey is warning that protection against the icy conditions is vital for older people who are particularly vulnerable to the impact of low temperatures.

age-uk-surrey-logoA fall in temperature can bring on sleepiness and confusion in older people, who may not realise that they are at risk. An Age UK Surrey’s winter campaign includes a free offer of a Handyman Service in most Surrey areas to help insulate homes for older people and colour coded, easy to read thermometers and information about what to do to help keep warm inside and outside of the home.

The thermometers help to alert the user when action is needed: for example; when the thermometer moves to blue it is advisable to: Turn up the heating if possible, move around, make a hot drink and put on a hat, gloves, warmer socks and a blankets.

The Age UK Surrey stick-on thermometers are available from its head office at Rex House, William Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 4QZ (donation appreciated).

The cold can raise blood pressure which puts older people at greater risk of heart attacks and strokes. It also increases the likelihood and severity of flu, chest infections and other respiratory problems.

Age UK Surrey chief executive officer Sue Zirps said: “A cold home poses a serious health risk and with energy bills increasing, older people will be struggling to heat their homes but could be missing out on essential extra support.”

Age UK Surrey is urging anyone who is worried about their heating bills to contact them for further information and advice. For those in receipt of pension credit, a prolonged cold snap triggers one-off cold weather payments worth £25 which could make all the difference when deciding whether to turn the heating up.

It also adds that it is also really important that everyone checks in on older friends, relatives and neighbours regularly, making sure paths are cleared and shopping is bought if needed.

For more information about where to get a thermometer and to support the campaign ring Elizabeth Whiddett on 01483 446667.


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