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Tillingbourne Schoolgirl’s Design Wins Place on MP’s Christmas Card

Published on: 9 Dec, 2013
Updated on: 12 Dec, 2013
Anne Milton MP's official Christmas card for 2013 with the winning design.

Anne Milton MP’s official Christmas card for 2013 with its winning design.

by Luke Insoll

Guildford’s MP, Anne Milton, is going to use a Tillingbourne school pupil’s, competition winning design for her official Christmas card.

Competition winner Elise receives her prize from Anne Milton.

Competition winner Elise receives her prize from Anne Milton.

The budding artist behind the winning card is Elise who won a trip to Westminster for herself and her brother, accompanied by Anne Milton. The design features a snowy Christmas scene inside a snowglobe.

As Ms Milton presented prizes to the winner and runners-up of the competition, organised annually by her office, she commented that she especially liked the inclusion of a church in the winning painting to remind us all of the religious significance of the festival.

The prize giving was held at Tillingbourne Junior School in Chilworth.

Runners up from other local schools each received a certificate and a House of Commons teddy bear. They were Laura, from Weyfield Primary Academy, Lauren from Guildford Grove Primary School, Julius, from Puttenham C of E Infant School and Ellen from Guildford High School.

Their designs are featured on the back of the MP’s Christmas card.


With Anne Milton are prizewinners (left to right): Ryan, Julius, Laura, Elise and Lauren

Mrs Vanessa Bingham, Tillingbourne Head Teacher, said: ‘We are all very proud of Elise, and we were delighted to invite the runners up to our school. I’ve always felt that art is the one subject nobody can fail in. As Picasso once said, ‘It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child'”.

She told the assembled children and parents: “only by taking part can we succeed”. She hoped the result would encourage even more entries next year.

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