By Rebecca Curley
local democracy reporter
Concerns have been raised about the impact of 59 planned new homes on village roads and a bridge over an old railway line in Ash Green, near Guildford.
Nearly 40 letters of objections from villagers as well as protests from parish councils and a residents’ association have been sent.
The greenfield site in White Lane has been used for agriculture and horse paddocks and is close to an area of ancient woodland. Residents are worried their roads would be jammed with the added traffic.
The planning application by Bellway Homes, is for 59 houses, 24 set aside as affordable. These include one-bed maisonettes to three-bed houses. The market value share of homes will be a mix of two-bed, three-bed and four-bed homes.
Surrey County Council Highway Authority said they have no objection to the application but after assessing the proposals recommended a section 106 agreement should be secured for highway safety improvements.
Ash Parish Council objected, with fears that access to the homes on to White Lane will be “potentially dangerous” and that the increase in traffic will affect a bridge over an old railway line in the area.
Tongham Parish Council added: “Extra pressure will be put on The Street and Poyle Road in Tongham; these two roads are already used as ‘rat runs’ and are hugely disruptive in rush-hour, morning and evening.”
The developers have already amended plans, reducing the number of homes from 61 to 59 and have identified signals for the bridge at White Lane as well as cash towards improvements for Ash level-crossing.
The proposal will be discussed and decided by councillors on the Guildford Borough Council planning committee on Wednesday, May 22 at 7pm.
Officers have recommended approving the plans.
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