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Contradictions Over Reported Town Traffic Surveys

Published on: 10 Nov, 2012
Updated on: 12 Nov, 2012

By Martin Giles

The Guildford Dragon NEWS has been informed by very reliable sources that traffic surveys are underway in Guildford. One area that has been specifically mentioned is the gyratory. Rubber strips and a co-located equipment box have also been observed on London Road and on Woodbridge Road / Ladymead, near the river bridge.

More analysis of traffic has been called for from several quarters, including the Guildford Vision Group, as a precursor to any further town planning.

But Guildford Borough Council on Friday (November 9) denied knowledge of any council run surveys. After a week’s worth of digging into both Surrey County Council records, as well as its own, a spokesperson wrote: “These surveys are not being carried out by either Guildford Borough Council or Surrey County Council (SCC).

“SCC are checking their records to confirm if any other parties are scheduled to carry out surveys in the areas you mentioned. I have asked them to come back to me by the end of the day.”

Nothing further was received from its public relations section.

But today (November 10), Cllr James Palmer (Con, Shalford), Deputy Leader of the Council and Lead Councillor for the Town Centre and Planning said: “The county council has started work looking at the gyratory system in the town, and that is to be welcomed.

“However, together with GBC officers, I am working hard with county colleagues to ensure that a comprehensive traffic study for the town centre is undertaken and completed in the near future so that this can inform proposals for future development in Guildford. I am hopeful this can be progressed soon.

“I believe that SCC is undertaking a number of speed surveys around the borough but it is for them to confirm this.”

Cllr Stephen Mansbridge said at the Executive meeting on Thursday, during the debate on the North Street Redevelopment that “openness and transparency are the words of the moment.”

The Guildford Dragon NEWS will continue with its enquiries.

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Responses to Contradictions Over Reported Town Traffic Surveys

  1. Jim Allen Reply

    November 16, 2012 at 11:13 am

    Well, perhaps monday evening 8pm will provide the answer as we have John Furey, Lead Member for Transport and Environment from Surrey County Council as our speaker at Sutherland Hall. This is mainly a Burpham Community Association meeting, but we will be asking wider questions!

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