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Transport Minister Takes Time To View Onslow Park & Ride Site

Published on: 25 Oct, 2012
Updated on: 25 Oct, 2012

Cllrs Tony Phillips, Fiona White, Norman Baker MP, Cllrs Steve Freeman and Mark Chapman at the proposed Onslow Park Ride site

Norman Baker, Liberal Democrat Transport Minister, saw first hand the site for the proposed new Park & Ride facility last weekend.

The Minister was attending a conference Kings College and local Lib Dems took the opportunity to take him around the area where the new Park and Ride scheme is being proposed near the Surrey Sports Park.

Cllr Fiona White

Fiona White, County Councillor for Guildford West said “Whilst we do need a Park and Ride locally what we must avoid is more traffic coming through the congested roads of Park Barn and Onslow. The best alternative for access to the site would be directly from the A3.

“I was able to take the Minister round the area, and show him the impact that the Research Park, University, Hospital and other local amenities have on traffic flows here. The traffic light system underway will help this but we don’t want to see the improvements undone by additional traffic for the Park and Ride.”

Local Lib Dems are so concerned they have asked Mr Baker to take up the issue in Government. Borough Councillor Tony Philips added “This particular issue is dealt with by a Conservative Minister at Whitehall.

“We are hopeful that with the details coming from a Ministerial colleague, this will get the attention it deserves at the Ministry of Transport, as the Highways Agency deal with trunk roads like the A3. We will work hard locally to see an improved scheme delivered for local residents.”

Cllr James Palmer

Cllr James Palmer, (Con, Shalford) Lead Councillor for Town Centre Planning said: “The development of a park and ride facility for the western side of the town centre has a number of potential benefits. Reduced congestion on town centre roads could benefit the local economy and environment.

“We are currently looking at travel and transport issues in the Westborough area. As part of this we have set up a joint working group with key local partners including the University of Surrey and Surrey County Council to address some of our residents’ concerns on parking and traffic flow.

“We have also listened to feedback from local residents as part of our consultation on the planning application. A final decision will be taken by the Planning Committee next month.”

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