Fringe Box



Twelve Months Jail for Man Who Conducted Cat Wounding Spree in West Surrey

Published on: 18 Feb, 2017
Updated on: 23 Feb, 2017

A 19-year-old man from Farncombe responsible for killing a family’s beloved pet cat and seriously injuring others across West Surrey has been sentenced to 12 months behind bars.

Franky Mills, of Long Gore, was sentenced at Guildford Crown Court yesterday (February 17) after pleading guilty to seven counts of criminal damage and seven counts of possession of a firearm. He will serve a total of two years; 12 months custodial and 12 months on licence.

Mills was also fined £100 and his phone and air weapons were confiscated and will be destroyed.

The offences include:

March 21 2016, Glebe Road in Cranleigh – family cat ‘Bomber’ was shot in the neck.

March 22 2016, Ryde Lands in Cranleigh – ‘Ruby’, a beloved family’s pet cat was shot in the neck which resulted in the cat having to be put down and later excavated for forensic examination.

March 22 2016, Hilliards View in Cranleigh – ‘Coco’ was shot in the eye which had to be later removed.

March 22 2016, Barnfield in Cranleigh – ‘Black and White’ was shot at through a window causing him to fall and injure himself.

March 22 2016, Fir Tree Road in Guildford – ‘Pebbles’ was shot in the eye and had to have it removed.

March 31, Palm Grove in Guildford – ‘Dexter’ was shot twice in the upper leg causing injuries which resulted in him having to have an operation.

April 1 2016, Hilliard’s View in Cranleigh – ‘Snoopy’ was shot outside the front door of his owners home which resulted in him having his leg amputated.

In a statement read out in court the owner of “Ruby” who sadly had to be put down, said: “When we first got Ruby she was a very shy cat and we spent lots of time with her to make her the loving cat she became. My son was very attached to her and she would always sleep on his bed.

“My son took the news really badly and started struggling at school and would become very tearful and quiet. The person who shot our cat has changed our family forever and this is something I will never forgive or forget.”

Sergeant Paul Eden from Waverley Safer Neighbourhood Team, said: “Mills’ behaviour is deeply concerning and completely unacceptable and his actions have caused a great deal of distress to a number of families.”

“I hope that this outcome reassures the public that we take reports of this kind extremely seriously and will take action against those who behave in such a cruel and vile manner in our communities.”

A witness who came forward and provided the registration details of Mills’ van will be awarded a £2,000 award from animal rights charity, PETA.

PETA Director of International Programmes, Mimi Bekhechi, said: “We’re delighted that our reward has helped make Surrey a safer place with Mr Mills behind bars, and we commend Surrey police for its efforts to apprehend him.

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