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Victims’ Assault Ordeal As Burglars Force Way In To Their Homes

Published on: 30 Nov, 2012
Updated on: 30 Nov, 2012

Surrey Police is appealing for information following two offences in Guildford borough this week in which victims have been assaulted in their homes.

The first incident took place at an address in Ash on Wednesday, November 28, at around 7pm when a man in his sixties answered a knock at his door. As he opened it, three men, all dressed in black and wearing balaclavas, forced their way into the house and pinned the victim down.

The police report that a struggle ensued during which punches were thrown. Fortunately, the victim’s wife staged a spirited fight back against the attackers which resulted in the offenders fleeing empty handed.

The second incident took place at around 8pm on Thursday, November 29, at a property in Stoughton. A female resident in her forties was watching television when three men entered the property, restrained her and took a small quantity of cash before leaving. The suspects were all dressed in black and were wearing balaclavas.

Detective Inspector Mark Parry said: “These incidents must have been very frightening for the victims and we are doing everything possible to find those responsible and bring them to justice.

“The location of the first incident in Ash is in a quiet neighbourhood which might easily attract suspicion if unknown people or vehicles are seen using it. I urge anyone living in the area to try and remember if they saw any vehicles which appeared out of place parked nearby either on the day of the incident or the days leading up to it. Similarly, if you noticed any strangers loitering in the road in the days leading up to Wednesday.

“My team is actively pursuing every lead available in a bid to find the offenders. We have also made extensive inquiries locally and officers from the local Safer Neighbourhood Team are carrying out reassurance patrols in the area.”

Anyone with any information is asked to contact Surrey Police on 101 quoting reference GD/12/10691.

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