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Why Are Squirrels Going Nuts?

Published on: 9 Oct, 2012
Updated on: 12 Oct, 2012

A grey squirrel contemplating where next to bury his nuts or which gardener next to make go nuts – Photo John Schluter

Squirrels seem to be frenetic in their activity to prepare for the coming winter. Do they know something we don’t? Some believe it is a sign of a harsh winter to come.

Squirrel damage to a Guildford lawn

Meteorologists have reported that our wetter, cooler summers might be a symptom of climate change and the more frequent wintry cold snaps could be part of the same pattern.

So, if you are going nuts because of the damage squirrels are causing your lawn while they bury theirs perhaps that’s the inconvenient truth?

Of course it’s not all bad news, scientists estimate that squirrels are responsible for planting million of trees by simply burying nuts in fertile soil and forgetting about their location! So, as long as you don’t mind an oak tree in the middle of your lawn…

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Responses to Why Are Squirrels Going Nuts?

  1. Malcolm Fincham

    October 9, 2012 at 11:38 pm

    Amused by this this story about the squirrels. Yes indeed it’s has not escaped my attention too. But they’re not the only one going nuts at the moment.
    I hope to introduce another critter who is just as responsible [or irresponsible] if not more so for the redistribution of acorns in my next report of ‘birdwatchers diary’. Just need to get some photo evidence.