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Letter: 3D Views of Proposed Developments is a Good Idea

Published on: 21 Jun, 2020
Updated on: 21 Jun, 2020

A still from GVG’s fly-through animation in 2017

From Roy Carter

In response to: A Model Way We Could All See What Our Town’s Future Looks Like In Planning

The Guildford Vision Group (GVG) should press on trying to get GBC to install the 3D model. So many new developments sound okay until they are completed and they look terrible.

Think of Willow Point and the new Masonic Lodge. Both are fantastic inside but look awful externally, although I understand that my view is subjective.

I do not wish to stop modernisation and new accommodation being created for firms and residents. I think many people would like to decide what to support or oppose based on a more realistic view of the developments’ external looks and how they fit in with the surrounding area.

The 3D model would be of great benefit to residents given the potential amount of redevelopment coming along in the not too distant future.

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