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Labour Party Members Urge Council To House Two Refugee Families A Month

Published on: 17 Dec, 2015
Updated on: 17 Dec, 2015

The Guildford branch of the Labour Party is urging the borough council to take two refugee families each month.

labour_party_logoAt a meeting, Guildford Labour Party members were moved by the plight of Syrian refugees as described by Karl Pike of the Red Cross.

The meeting agreed a range of measures to support refugees, including to call on Guildford Borough Council to play its part.

A Guildford Labour Party spokesman said: “Millions of families have been displaced from their homes because of the civil war in Syria and the emergence of Daesh, and Guildford party members believe it is our moral duty to assist those plighted by war, those forced to flee their homeland in search of the basic right to safety.

“Thousands of people across Europe are currently housed in makeshift tents, ill-prepared for the winter that has arrived. The provisions of food and clothing that Guildford residents have provided so far, has been an invaluable contribution. Now is the time to do more. Now is the time for us to stand up, stand out and lead the way.

“We are calling for our borough council to take in just two families per month. That is a small number that we can accommodate in our borough and take a lead in the refugee crisis.

“We will offer our help and services to Guildford Borough Council to make this happen. We can and must do more. It is time we started.”

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