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Notice: Railway Station Proposal – Meeting 13 January

Published on: 5 Jan, 2016
Updated on: 5 Jan, 2016

Guildford Society Station MeetingFind out about this important planning proposal for Guildford. Please attend our meeting at the Millmead Baptist Centre at 7.30pm, 13th January.

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Responses to Notice: Railway Station Proposal – Meeting 13 January

  1. Pete Knight Reply

    January 8, 2016 at 11:11 am

    Whilst I am sure The Guildford Society does a lot of good work, the above seems to be another classic example of inviting people to share their views but shaping those views before people have even attended by publishing another set of leading statements.

    The above flyer clearly sets out the society’s position on the Guildford station – they don’t like it.

    Also, has this group released any statement on Waitrose? I believe it was very vocal along with thre Guildford Vision Group about additional traffic.

    Has anyone spoken about this? I think it is safe to say its arguments can now be seen as unfounded.

  2. I would like to thank Mr Knight for his response to our flyer promoting the January 13th public meeting about Solum’s station development. The Guildford Society welcomes feedback, be it plaudits or healthy criticism.

    Mr Knight may notice that the flyer is headed “supported by Guildford Residents Associations”, a body which represent a very broad section of our local communities. It shares our concerns that this is not the best deal for Guildford.

    Our chairman, Julian Lyon has commented: “On Solum, The Guildford Society had a very open mind at our first event in January 2014 and will again allow plenty of scope for comments from the audience on Wednesday. We are not as Mr Knight seems to imply anti development. As the flyer questions ‘Is this a win for Guildford or a lost opportunity’, we think a lost opportunity.”

    Guildford has scarce resources of land and its High Street and historic centre are real assets set in the context of the downs. The Guildford Society is keen to protect and enhance these fabulous characteristics whilst accommodating growth and progress.

    Requiring a better deal from developers is essential, why would anyone be happy that only 10% of Solum’s large development will be provided at any discount to market values?

    On Waitrose, The Guildford Society echoed the concerns of the Guildford Vision Group in respect of traffic, added its dismay at the loss of the underpass, disliked the un-Guildford like architecture and was very unimpressed by the surface car parking where there should have been homes. We were never anti-Waitrose for its own sake.

    We do hope that Mr Knight will come along on Wednesday to GSOC’s public meeting and make his views known. He might even be pleasantly surprised!

  3. Pete Knight Reply

    January 11, 2016 at 12:46 pm

    In reply to Barry Williams: I have absolutely no problem with the Guildford Society opposing the station re-development, it’s the flyer I have a problem with.

    You encourage people to ‘make their views’ yet right from the ou set you’re shaping those views. Only the first two bullet points are balanced.

    In terms of the residents groups, have the leaders of these consulted Guildford homeowners?

    I happen to own two properties in the town and have seen no correspondence at either address regarding the station.

    Have these residents’ associations consulted with anyone?

    And I wonder if any are led by the Guildford Society members?

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