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Council Pledges £750k For New Sewage Works At Slyfield As Part Of Regeneration Project

Published on: 23 Jan, 2016
Updated on: 23 Jan, 2016

Guildford Borough Council is forging ahead with its plans for the regeneration of Slyfield, pledging to spend £750,000 on the design of a new and relocated sewage works.

The current sewage treatment plant at Slyfield operated by Thames Water.

The current sewage treatment plant at Slyfield operated by Thames Water.

It will pave the way for the 1,000 homes that will be built in the area designated as the Slyfield Area Regeneration Project (SARP).

The announcment was made at the council’s Executive meeting on Wednesday this week.

Within the project the council’s service depot off Woking Road and Surrey County Council’s waste depot off Moorfield Road will also be relocated.

Council papers state: “The council has a long-standing commitment to deliver a regeneration scheme at Slyfield but, to date, it has not been possible to demonstrate that the scheme is financially viable.We now believe the project to be financially viable, given certain assumptions. The monies will be used to design the new sewage treatment works in conjunction with Thames Water, with both parties contributing £500,000.”

The council’s balance of £250,000 will fund professional advisors, including property, financial, legal, design and cost management.

At the meeting, Cllr Caroline Reeves (Lib Dem, Friary & St Nicolas) asked that the area of SARP that was once Guildford’s rubbish dump should be considered (when development begins) as items buried there are noted to be of historical significance.

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Responses to Council Pledges £750k For New Sewage Works At Slyfield As Part Of Regeneration Project

  1. Jim Allen Reply

    January 23, 2016 at 1:48 pm

    Well a wall of silence from the masses – We still haven’t seen that written agreement between GBC and Thames water stating they are going to move.

    Where are the physical test results to show the move is feasible? – the first step for the move!

    Why are both parties so reluctant to display the paperwork – it’s all verbal assurances.

    Surly if such an agreement has been reached the actual (joint) paperwork is worthy of display to the public? Currently, smoke and mirrors is all I see.

    I think the residents of Guildford should be shown the full set of paperwork to date, displaying all the correspondence between GBC and Thames Water, how suddenly it has become viable in real terms.

    Noting any money (loan at low interest rates) borrowed will have to be repaid even if the project fails at any stage by the residents of Guildford.

    Why it is being pushed through before the local plan has been completed?

    It wasn’t in the 2003 plan so in effect is outside the local planning process of local plans.

    So many questions and oh so few properly documented answers.

  2. Bibhas Neogi Reply

    January 23, 2016 at 10:56 pm

    The exhibition panels about proposed Clay Lane Link Road as described in
    do not mention anything about the scheme for 1000 houses in SARP and how the traffic generated by this scheme would affect the proposal.

    Should Guildford Borough Council not revise the scheme objectives and redo the whole exercise?

  3. Jim Allen Reply

    January 25, 2016 at 9:10 am

    My point entirely. The whole scheme should be revisited and re-appraised with an open mind.

    And open consultation with full disclosure.

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