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Getting Message Across That Any Form Of Sex Abuse And Violence Is Unacceptable

Published on: 5 Feb, 2016
Updated on: 5 Feb, 2016

Guildford-based Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Centre (RASASC) has been closely involved with the current national awareness week with the message that any form of sexual abuse and violence is unacceptable.

The seven-day programme (running from February 1 to 7) is aiming to generate discussion among the general public, statutory bodies and third sector organisations about how best to tackle sexual abuse and violence.

Awareness-week-website-1024x341The theme of the week is ‘It’s Not Ok’ and all of the biggest events, discussion points and activities can be shared and followed on social media via the hashtag #ItsNotOk.

RASASC provides specialist support to anyone affected by rape and sexual abuse across Surrey and beyond. It provides a confidential helpline, counselling and independent sexual violence advisor (ISVA) services.

Bradley (name changed for identity reasons) aged 47, had not spoken about the abuse he suffered as a teenager for nearly 30 years before starting counselling at RASASC. He said: “It was like a light that had been out for years was suddenly switched on again.

“I learned how to deal with the flashbacks I was still experiencing and started rebuilding my confidence and self-esteem.

“For the first time ever I started to look forward to the future and what it might hold. Maybe a steady job, or a serious relationship – these all seemed so far away before. Thank you RASASC.”

rasasconlyThe charity receives more than 2,000 calls to its helpline and provides more than 2,200 counselling sessions every year, but is still hoping to expand.

Despite increasing its counselling capacity dramatically in the past year, demand is so high that waiting times continue to rise – currently it stands at around four months. The ISVA team is also handling a significant caseload of around 200 clients at any given time.

Its priority is to secure sustainable funding for the coming years and RASASC hopes to expand even further to reach more survivors.

Further information on the services RASASC provides can be found at

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Responses to Getting Message Across That Any Form Of Sex Abuse And Violence Is Unacceptable

  1. Name withheld Reply

    February 6, 2016 at 6:50 pm

    I was only eight years old when my stepfather sexually and physically abused me and then I married a violent bully.

    But I didn’t tell anyone until my early 40s when during one of my flashbacks I decided to inform my doctor who asked if I would consider counselling I said yes but I would only see someone if they had experienced what I had been through.

    But unfortunately my doctor never did find anyone to help me and this is why I feel very strongly that RASASC will be the right organisation to help victims.

    I am now 60 years old but I will not let what those two men did to me to ruin my life, but it doesn’t go away either.

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