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CCTV Images In Connection With Theft Of Bank Card In Guildford

Published on: 11 Feb, 2016
Updated on: 11 Feb, 2016

Surrey Police has released CCTV images of a man and a woman they would like to speak to in connection with the theft of a bank card in Guildford.

The victim, an 87-year-old man, was at the Barclays bank cash machine in North Street around 10,30am on November 24, 2015 when a well-dressed woman with a foreign accent he thought was another customer told him he had dropped a £5 note.

female distraction theft When the man checked his account the next day, he realised a substantial amount of money was missing.

The bank confirmed that three separate withdrawals, totalling thousands of pounds, had been made the previous day.

Money had also been withdrawn from two other cashpoints on 26 and 27 November.

The female suspect is described as wearing a brown hat and coat. She also spoke with a foreign accent.

PC Kerry Plumb, who is investigating this incident, said: “From our enquiries, we believe that a male suspect obtained the victim’s PIN number while he was using the cash machine.

CCTV images of the pair the police would like to speak to.

CCTV images of the pair the police would like to speak to.

“The female suspect has then attempted to distract him by dropping the £5 note but didn’t manage to take his card at this time.

“We believe that both suspects have then followed the victim around the Marks & Spencer store until they found an opportunity to take his bank card. The male suspect is then thought to have gone straight to the bank with it to withdraw the cash.

“We would like to speak to the man and the woman in the CCTV images in connection with this offence. If you recognise either of the pair, or you have any other information which could assist the investigation, please get in touch straightaway.”

Police officers are also investigating whether this incident is linked to a similar offence which took place in Caterham on October 6.

If you can help, call Surrey Police on 101, quoting crime reference 45150110558 or by using the online reporting system found at

Alternatively the independent charity Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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Responses to CCTV Images In Connection With Theft Of Bank Card In Guildford

  1. Bernard Parke Reply

    February 11, 2016 at 7:30 pm

    I suffered an almost identical scam while shopping in Marks & Spencer when my credit card was snatched by an Eastern European gang at 10am on a Wednesday morning a couple of years ago.

    The approach was made by using the “old £5 trick”.

    I reported the incident immediately only to find that £400 had been drawn out of a cash machine at a nearby Barclays within 10 minutes.

    I felt such a fool as I was trying to be polite to this Eastern European lady, not thinking for a moment that this could happen with such security in place.

    To add insult to injury, the police told me that “they only attack old people”!

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