Guildford-based drug and alcohol addictions counselling service Catalyst marked World Mental Health Day with its annual wellbeing and inclusion football tournament.
A spokesperson for Catalyst said: “Quite surprisingly, the weather held out and the day was a huge success, with a total of 13 teams and over 100 people participating including teams from as far as Brighton coming along to support the event.”
The tournament, on Thursday, October 10, was held at the Elmbridge Xcel in Walton-on-Thames.
The spokesperson added: “It was a friendly and competitive day and so great to see so many people from the community having fun, interacting, taking part in a team sport and moving forward with their mental health.
“The support from the community has been fantastic – thank you to Community Foundation for Surrey, Elmbridge Philanthropy fund, Walton Charity and Surrey FA for their continued support over the years.”
Catalyst, along with many other services within Surrey, offer a fantastic service for mental health, supporting people with one-to-one support and providing activities and groups, helping to promote wellbeing.
To find out more visit
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Contact: Martin Giles
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