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More Reactions to Major Scale Down of London Road Scheme

By Martin Giles Further reactions to the news that Surrey County Council has decided to proceed only with one section of the proposed London Road Active Travel scheme have been…

London Road Active Travel Scheme Decision Confirmed

Proposals to improve walking and cycling on the A3100 between Burpham and Guildford, have today been given the go-ahead. Improvements will take place to and around the Boxgrove Roundabout –…

Letter: We Should Not Give Up on the London Road Scheme

From: Bibhas Neogi In response to: Two-thirds of London Road Cycle Scheme Deferred or Cancelled The London Road improvement scheme has been divided into three sections. Section 1 is between…

Letter: London Road Scheme Is Wanted

From: Howard Smith Labour borough councillor for Westborough In response to: Why Does SCC Insist on Its London Road Proposal – Unwanted by the Majority? It’s difficult to know where…

Two-thirds of London Road Cycle Scheme Deferred or Cancelled

By Martin Giles The controversial scheme to improve cycle and pedestrian facilities along the A3100 London Road between Burpham and the town centre will be scaled back if recommendations are…

Letter: Why Does SCC Insist on Its London Road Proposal – Unwanted by the Majority?

From: Valerie Thompson In response to: Dragon Interview – Authors of the ‘Alternative’ London Road Survey What planet are Surrey County Council on? The ‘alternative’ survey was done in an…

Letter: Alternative Survey Shows 87 per cent Opposed to London Road Scheme

From: Niels Laub One of the group which organised the ‘Alternative’ London Road Survey See also: Dragon Interview – Authors of the ‘Alternative’ London Road Survey Surrey County Council is…

Dragon Interview: Authors of the ‘Alternative’ London Road Survey

Surrey County Council’s plans to improve the cycle/pedestrian tracks along the London Road between Burpham and the town centre have excited passions, as seen by the large turnout for a…

Letter: How Do We Know What Most People Want for London Road?

From: Ben Paton In response to: Many Residents Want the London Road Scheme to Go Ahead By all means canvas the opinion of cyclists and pupils at the George Abbot…

Letter: Many Residents Want the London Road Scheme to Go Ahead

From: Roger Carnegie In response to: The London Road Plans Are 100 per cent Better Than What We Have An excellent summary from Andy Friend-Smith, the very small group of…

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