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A Big Thank You From Table Top Sale Organiser: £360 Raised

Published on: 11 Jun, 2013
Updated on: 14 Jun, 2013

thank_youAlice Wetz, who organised a fund raising event at the Park Barn Centre for the Yeoman Club, would like to thank all who helped and all those who donated and bought items.

The sale, along with a raffle, name the doll competition and individual donations, took place on May 15 and Alice is delighted to report that £360.07 was raised.

The long running Yeoman Club for adults with disabilities meets every Tuesday evening at St Francis’ Church Hall.

It was feared that it might have to close, but people have rallied round with donations, including this one.

Alice thanks Sue, Shirley and Janet who ran the stall on the day, all those who donated items and everyone who came along and bought things.

The manager of the Park Barn Centre, Jimmy Robinson, said: “The centre also wishes to thank the customers and volunteers of for the support given when raising money for the Yeoman Club.

“George Chant, the chairman of the Yeoman Club, visited the Park Barn Centre and was presented with the money on Wednesday May 22, where he expressed his gratitude and told us all a bit about the history of this very useful resource.”

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