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And It’s Goodbye From Tom

Published on: 4 Apr, 2013
Updated on: 4 Apr, 2013
Tom Fowler Student Reporter with The Guildford Dragon NEWS for two weeks

Tom Fowler was a student reporter with The Guildford Dragon NEWS for two weeks

By Tom Fowler

My time with The Dragon has come to an end.

From the two weeks I have had with the online newspaper, I’ve met local residents, I’ve heard of Guildford’s issues and some of its successes. I have attended an event featuring Michael Portillo and I’ve even sat down with the town’s Mayor.

I have been treated by the Dragon editors as simply one of their team of reporters, received a tutorial session from David Rose, who has over 20 years experience in the profession, and been welcomed by those I have met in Guildford, who have invariably received me hospitably as a local journalist.

From what I’ve heard myself from Guildford residents, The Guildford Dragon NEWS is becoming seen as a vital news source for those in Guildford, reporting quickly on local news and highlighting much overlooked issues. It gives a voice to residents, and tries to make sure that voice is heard, promoting democracy as much as possible.

From my conversations I am sure that there is a real need for a town based new source. People want to know about what’s going on in their town, delivered in a simple, easy to access and clean way. The now one-year-old Dragon is that source, un-biased and apolitical.

I’ve gained more experience than I expected, and while it may have been a short time I’ve had here, it feels like I’ve gained plenty of knowledge that will help me for a long time to come. I couldn’t be happier with the result.

One day I hope to create a local online newspaper like the Guildford Dragon for Farnborough. A well-respected news source bringing much needed local news that is disregarded by other local news sources. Who knows, maybe even a Farnborough Dragon?

[Yes, we can always discuss a franchise.  Seriously though, it’s been a pleasure having you with the team Tom. Good luck with your final exams. Ed]

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