Anne Milton, Guildford’s MP, attended Baroness Margaret Thatcher’s funeral this morning (April 17th) in London.
She called The Guildford Dragon NEWS to say: “It was a remarkable service. Only the British can do things so well. Everything was absolutely to time. The word that would sum it up would be ‘dignified’.
“I think she would have approved.
“As ever, the armed forces and everyone involved with the organisation deserve full credit.
“Margaret Thatcher changed this country. She punched through the political ceiling from within.
“There has been a lot of commentary on her life in the last week, or so, but I heard young girls, even though they might know little of the details of her career as a politician, say that what she did made them aware that it is possible for any young woman.”
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Shirley West
April 17, 2013 at 7:11 pm
This is a great report from our MP, Anne Milton. I am so glad she was there.
Daniel Bennett
April 18, 2013 at 2:58 pm
I find Anne Milton’s comments bizarre. I am glad that she fells this was an appropriate service of which Baroness Thatcher would have approved. That is surely not a great surprise given that she had considerable input into its form. As for the casual nationalism, I’m willing to bet that people of other nationalities can organise punctual funerals too.
And whilst I’m here, can I suggest that ‘Margaret Thatcher punched through the ceiling from below‘ rather than within. Although the policies of Thatcher’s government, then Blair’s and now Anne Milton and David Cameron have made it ever harder for ‘ordinary’ folk to reach the higher levels of society.