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Anne Milton Misses Out on Promotion to the Cabinet

Published on: 9 Nov, 2017
Updated on: 10 Nov, 2017

The Rt Hon Anne Milton MP

Guildford’s MP Anne Milton was one of three rumoured to be at the top of a cabinet promotion short-list, following the resignation of Priti Patel, the former international development secretary. Patel resigned yesterday because of unauthorised meetings she held with Israeli politicians.

According to The Daily Telegraph online, Milton, Margot James and Penny Mordaunt were the three short-listed for promotion but this afternoon (November 9, 2017) Ms Mordaunt was named as Patel’s replacement.

Mordaunt, until today the Disabled People’s minister, was a prominent Leaver at last year’s EU referendum and is the only female MP who is a Royal Navy reservist.

Penny Mordaunt centre and Anne Milton at last year’s (2016) “Over the Top” commemoration event of the Battle of the Somme.

A Daily Telegraph article stated: “Currently an Education minister, Anne Milton is well-liked by her fellow MPs and regarded as a safe pair of hands who is overdue a promotion to the Cabinet. Ms Milton never said how she voted in the EU referendum.”

But, in fact, Ms Milton informed The Guildford Dragon first, in the early hours of the morning, when the referendum count was still underway, that she had voted to remain. The Telegraph newsdesk was been informed of the inaccuracy.

Some commentators have said that to retain the balance within the cabinet it was more likely a pro Brexiteer would be chosen.

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Responses to Anne Milton Misses Out on Promotion to the Cabinet

  1. Susan Jones Reply

    November 9, 2017 at 1:20 pm

    Goodness I know they are desperately short of any talent in the cabinet but promoting Ms Milton would [have been] be scraping the barrel. She would spend even less time caring about the people of Guildford, in my opinion.

    • Jim Allen Reply

      November 9, 2017 at 4:21 pm

      Ms Jones’ comment is totally uncalled for. Clearly she has never had any dealings with our MP. If she had she would know that she or her staff respond to every single communication. The answer may be not always be the one you want but she does care and does respond.

      Perhaps Ms Jones should try and understand the difference between a town councillor, county Councillor, MP and MEP and then her expectations may be realigned to a more reasonable stance.

  2. A Tatlow Reply

    November 9, 2017 at 6:12 pm

    Any MP, cabinet member or not, has to balance their duty towards their constituency with their government responsibilities. Some, like Mole Valley’s MP Sir Paul Beresford, continue their work or profession as well.

  3. Shirley West Reply

    November 9, 2017 at 6:40 pm

    Anne Milton would have deserved that post and to say she doesn’t care about the people of Guildford is absolutely rubbish.

    The last MPs for Guildford were never interested in any people and in the sixties we never saw them.

    At least Anne Milton listens to you when you ask for help and advice.

  4. Gordon Bridger Reply

    November 9, 2017 at 7:22 pm

    A very unfair complaint. One always gets a quick and helpful response from her.

  5. Keith Meldrum Reply

    November 9, 2017 at 11:47 pm

    Jim Allen is spot on. Our MP and her staff should be complimented and not criticised. They are approachable and have dealt sympathetically and comprehensively with the many questions that I have submitted on behalf of residents in Merrow.

    We are fortunate to have such a hard working and committed MP.

  6. Liz Critchfield Reply

    November 10, 2017 at 11:16 am

    I can only echo the comments made by Jim Allen and Keith Meldrum. Both Anne Milton and her staff respond quickly to issues I have raised, indeed our MP has taken the trouble to write privately on several occasions. I am very appreciative of the support both she and her staff have given.

  7. Bill Stokoe Reply

    November 10, 2017 at 12:06 pm

    Jim Allen has got it spot on. Anne and her support team are very approachable. The criticism is not warranted.

  8. Helena Townsend Reply

    November 10, 2017 at 6:16 pm

    I would ask, what has Anne Milton done since she has been our MP?

    Any takers on answering this?

  9. Jules Cranwell Reply

    November 10, 2017 at 8:47 pm

    Well, what she hasn’t done is to live up to her promise to protect the green belt. She has been all but silent on the subject, unlike, for example Sir Paul Beresford, who has challenged GBC at every turn.

    Why is she not lobbying GBC to tear up their discredited Local Plan, given the overwhelming rejection of it by her constituents?

  10. Jim Allen Reply

    November 10, 2017 at 11:42 pm

    Help from Anne Milton? Where shall I start?

    – Flood Forums
    – Support of Parliamentary ombudsman – Planning Inspectorate case
    – Support for FoI enquiries
    – Issues with Health Ombudsman in respect of social services, NHS, and court of protection
    – Roads issues
    – Merrow Gates

    And that is just from my personal experience.

    • Susan Jones Reply

      November 13, 2017 at 1:07 pm

      No wonder MP Milton is kept so busy. Jim Allen’s list must have taken her the full-term of Parliament to get through.

  11. Graham Hibbert Reply

    November 15, 2017 at 10:59 am

    In response to Ms Susan Jones, no it didn’t. There is more. In addition to Jim Allen’s list, and in my personal experience, Anne Milton has been active with the proposed development in Slyfield, ensuring the local communities are fully involved, in trying to bring light into just how the housing numbers in draft Local Plan are justified, and in building links between the university and the town.

    She and her office answer queries promptly and press other ministers to respond when required.

    Just a couple of weeks ago she chaired a forum to listen to the concerns of local business about Brexit and the damage the process is already doing. We rely on Ms Milton to open the eyes of her more delusional colleagues to the folly the current uncertainty is creating.

  12. Gerald Bland Reply

    November 15, 2017 at 11:28 pm

    As Members of Parliament are elected to represent a constituency how does one explain Anne Milton voting in Parliament to Leave Europe when 57% of Guildford voters in the referendum, including we are told, Anne herself, voting to Remain?

    • Stuart Barnes Reply

      November 16, 2017 at 9:47 am

      In reply to Mr Bland – perhaps Anne Milton has thought it more democratic to accept the will of the whole people – a clear and substantial majority for leaving the corrupt and hated EU (not Europe, by the way)?

      However, if we wish to follow the logic of Mr Bland’s argument that MPs should vote according to how the majority of their constituents voted then he should direct his question to Corbyn’s socialist MPs as most of them are defying the wishes of their constituents by trying to keep us in the failed EU.

  13. David Pillinger Reply

    November 18, 2017 at 11:56 am

    Anne Milton would have made an excellent international development secretary. Her heart and mind are in the right place for that sort of role and her office is one of the most efficient I have ever come across, which I would assume speaks for her management skills and the quality of the people she is able to recruit to support her.

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