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Updated: Ash Plagued by Noxious Burning Smell – GBC Probes Residents’ Complaints

Published on: 12 Aug, 2024
Updated on: 14 Aug, 2024

Have you smelt Ash’s odour?

By David Reading

Guildford Borough Council has been investigating complaints about a strong, noxious burning smell that has been troubling people throughout parts of Ash and Ash Green.

See the update below…

On social media the smell has been branded “the Ash phantom stench”.

Throughout this week, it has been detected in numerous parts of Ash including Ash Green Road, behind Ash Manor School, Loddon Way, Ash Lodge Drive and the new Wildflower Meadows near Ash Station.

One person posted: “Around 2am on Foreman Road.” Another said: “Wildflower Meadows at 2am.” And another:  “Around 5am as I woke up and could smell it.”

There is local speculation that the smell comes from burning rubbish, but an unconfirmed report suggested the problem has been caused by manure spontaneously combusting in high temperatures.

Guildford Borough Council has now provided an updated statement.

The council’s original statement said: “We have received five complaints about a noxious burning smell in Ash. We are investigating. If we find evidence of controlled waste being burned, we will take appropriate enforcement action.”

Today (August 12) the council’s updated statement said: “We have identified the source of the burning in Ash and have asked that the burning stop immediately. We have not received any further complaints since 31 July. We are currently considering our enforcement options.”

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