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Ash Vale Man Gets Six Years For Attacks On A Baby

Published on: 6 Nov, 2012
Updated on: 8 Nov, 2012

Jamie Fuller sentenced to six years for GBH and ABH to a baby

Jamie Fuller, of Lancaster Close in Ash Vale, was sentenced to six years imprisonment and a further four years on licence for causing grievous bodily harm and actual bodily harm to a baby under the age of one.

Fuller, 27-years-old, appeared at Guildford Crown Court yesterday (Monday, 5 November) for sentencing after being found guilty of causing grievous bodily harm and three counts of actual bodily harm to a seven-month-

old baby between 4 and 13 July 2010.

Detective Sergeant Paddy Mayers of the Surrey Police Public Protection Investigation Unit said: “The sentence reflects the severity of this crime and the disgraceful injuries inflicted on such a young defenceless infant. The offences have had a massive impact on the mother and the extended family, all of whom have had to live with the pressures of a long, intensive investigation alongside coping with the traumas of the crimes. The family is to be praised for supporting the investigation and working closely with Surrey Police to bring this dangerous offender to justice.

“I would urge anyone who has any concerns about the safety and protection of any vulnerable members of our communities to contact Surrey Police on 101 or in case of an emergency 999.”

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