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Association Celebrates Its 10th Birthday With A Free Tea Party For The Community It Serves

Published on: 30 Sep, 2017
Updated on: 2 Oct, 2017

The Park Barn & Westborough Community Association held a tea party on Saturday afternoon (September 30) to celebrate its 10th anniversary, which showcased its achievements and to thank those who have played their part in it over the past decade.

Eddie Soan (white jacket) is a Park Barn resident who volunteers in a number of ways locally. He is also a singer in the Rhythm of Life Community Choir.

Held at Guildford Borough Council’s Park Barn Centre, around 80 people of all ages enjoyed free refreshments and a free raffle.

Jane Smith and Colin McCarthy look at the pictorial display of the work of the association.

There was a pictorial display of past events and projects the association has closely been involved with, craft activities for children, entertainment from the Park Barn-based Rhythm of Life Community Choir, and presentations and thanks to past and present members of its committee, and its supporters.

The Park Barn-based Rhythm of Life Community Choir in full song!

In attendance was the Mayor and Mayoress of Guildford, Nigel Manning and Marsha Moseley.

For his mayoral theme, the mayor has chosen ‘It’s our Community, support it, embrace it!’ He is seeking the support of fellow councillors, the local business community, residents and local media to acknowledge and recognise the many people, individuals and groups, who quietly give up their time and energy to help others.

At the tea party the mayor said he recognised the work of the association and congratulated it on its 10-year milestone, adding that a decade of its existence is no mean feat.

For the raffle he donated a £150 Tecco voucher from the mayor’s funds. The association donated two £50 Tesco vouchers. Guildford Tesco also kindly donated the refreshments.

Among those on the day who also helped make to it a success were volunteers from the University of Surrey’s Students’ Union, who currently live in the area.

Shirley West, well known for her fundraising work for the British Heart Foundation, and supporter of the local community, is also a singer with the Rhythm of Life Community Choir.

Glass trophies, engraved with a thank you message, were also presented to a number of people who have (and still are) contributing their time to the work of the association.

There were also thank-you cards to others who support the association in a number of ways and helped at the tea party.

Enjoying the tea party.

A number of committee members of the association organised the event, along with Guildford Borough Council community warden Tracy James, and David Rose, the co-ordinator of the Joining In! project, managed by Voluntary Action South West Surrey, that supports community involvement in a number of areas within Guildford borough, including the Westborough ward.

The chairman of the Park Barn Community Association, Les Ames (left) with past chairman, Wayne McShane (centre), and David Rose.

The Park Barn & Westborough Community Association represents all who live in the Westborough ward, plus the residents of the Ashenden Estate. It aims to be a voice for the community it serves and enjoys hosting events for local residents, while supporting its local schools, churches and other community groups and organisations.

To do this, it invites local people to get involved in its activities. Extra helpers who would like to give some of their time are always welcome!

Looking at the display of work by the association.

One project it is working on is a Street Reps scheme. People are being encouraged to sign up to be ‘the eyes and ears’ of their own street and to report to relevant authorities and service providers such things such as litter, graffiti, faulty street lights, and so on, if they occur. The association will support its ‘reps’ by giving them updated details of who and how and report issues to, and keep them informed of the association’s work and what is going on in the local community.

Check out the association’s website, or its Facebook page.

More details on its Street Reps scheme from David Rose. Email:, or call him on 07825 419408.

Colin Brown, a key member of the association when it was founded, receives his glass trophy from the mayor.

The vice-chairman of the association, Alastair Knowles, receives his trophy.

The team vicar of Park Barn’s St Clare’s Church, the Revd Steve Pownall, who is also the secretary of the association, is presented with his trophy.

Association committee member Fiona White, (Surrey County Councillor for Guildford West, that includes Westborough and Park Barn), was awarded a trophy for her work as a long-standing committee member of the association.

Past president of the association, Wayne McShane, receives his trophy from the mayor. His wife, Julia McShane, (who is also a Guildford borough councillor for Westborough ward) was also presented with a trophy for her tireless work for the community association.

A thank you to Karen Taylor for organising the children’s activities at the tea party. Karen is also the musical director of the Rhythm of Life Community Choir.

Mandy Jones was thanked for serving the refreshments at the tea party.

The mayor thanks Zena Crane and Janet Springer for providing the flower arrangements on the tables at the tea party. They also do a great deal for the local community.

Thanks also went to volunteer helpers and association supporters Michelle Davis, Gillian James, Colin McCarthy and Edna Yarham, all pictured with the mayor.

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Responses to Association Celebrates Its 10th Birthday With A Free Tea Party For The Community It Serves

  1. Shirley West Reply

    October 1, 2017 at 6:54 pm

    I congratulate all involved in the 10-year anniversary tea party.

    It was a super afternoon and I really enjoy being in the Rhythm of Life choir, everyone is so welcoming.

    I just wish people knew how much is offered to the community of Park Barn and Westborough.

  2. Gerri Smyth Reply

    October 1, 2017 at 7:12 pm

    Although I had worked in a house in Park Barn (a ‘garage’ dot com start up). This was many years ago, in the first ‘bubble’ at the end of the last mellennium.

    My visits since to this area of town, like many, have been to shop at Tesco or attend the hospital. I have never venture far beyond, only occassionally visiting the Surrey Research Park, usually to the cafe at the Surrey Technology Centre, a nostalgic trip that reminds me of the days when I had an office there.

    That has changed since the two local walks I joined in September. These were listed as part of Guildford Walkfest, but run regularly as part of the Joining In! project.

    These both started and ended at the Park Barn Centre and were led by the wise and wonderful local historian, David Rose.

    I think the Park Barn Centre is a hidden gem in this town. It is a testament to the success of the community association and the people who have contributed to making this area a thriving and vibrant community over the last 10 years.

    Now, when I visit the hospital or the supermarket, the Park Barn Centre will my ‘reward destination’ of choice. And, also of course, when I visit Westborough on finer days to use the outdoor trim gym trail, another less well known gem of the area.

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