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Stories written by Martin

The Dragon Says: There Is Something Wrong

There is something wrong at Guildford Borough Council. So say seven Alderman who between them have decades of experience of council affairs. Five of the seven served as town mayors…

15 Year Old Drug Dealer Faces Imprisonment

A 15-year-old from Guildford is facing the school summer holidays behind bars after being charged with possessing Class B drugs with intent to supply and the possession of a prohibited…

A New Waitrose Yes – But Re-Route The Traffic

From Bernard Parke Last evening it took me well over half an hour to drive less than half of a mile across Guildford via Stoke Road into the gyratory system.…

Waitrose Planning Application – Please Think Again

From Rosemary Morgan I am writing to support the views expressed by Gordon Bridger regarding the proposed Waitrose development in Guildford (Planning Committee Should Reject the Waitrose Scheme).  However, I…

Two Guildford Assaults in One Week Leave Two Men Seriously Injured

Police are appealing for witnesses to two incidents that occurred in Guildford over the past week. In both cases victims have been left with serious injuries. Kings Road (off Stoke…

Guildford Raft Racing – In Pictures

The Guildford Raft Race took place on Saturday 7th July. Many people partook of all different ages and were supported by a large audience by the river. All photographs kindly…

Aldermen Write of Grave Concern for Council Officers’ Morale

Seven Aldermen, five of them former mayors of Guildford, have written an unprecedented letter to the council expressing grave concern about a “…steep decline in morale among the officers of…

Great Wall Used To Assist Clear Vision

By Gill Perkins Blindfolded you take the last few steps. Only when you’re precisely positioned are you allowed to see the breath-taking view across the mountains. Before you is the…

Planning Committee Should Reject the Waitrose Scheme

From Gordon Bridger Hon. Alderman While many of our more affluent consumers may be delighted to hear that the Council is negotiating with Waitrose to establish itself in the town…

Freedom Junior Summer Fitness Challenge at Guildford Spectrum

This summer, Freedom Leisure Centres are introducing the Freedom Junior Summer Fitness Challenge. Alongside Guildford Library’s Summer Reading Challenge, it will be launched on Sunday, July 8, at Guildford Spectrum. It officially…