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Stories written by David Rose

Opinion: Come Friendly Hurricane And Blow Over Pewley Down

By David Rose Once you could stand on Guildford’s beauty spot Pewley Down and (visibility permitting) catch a glimpse of many distant hills and other landmark features. But not now,…

Guildford Parkrun Results August 10, 2013

This week there were 167 runners, of whom 33 were first timers and 63 recorded new personal bests. Representatives of 11 different athletics clubs took part. Men’s placings: Ben EVANS…

Disabled People’s Organisation Holds Picnic In Bid To Recruit New Trustees

An organisation for disabled people is holding an open day and picnic in a bid to recruit disabled people to join its board of trustees and help oversee its development…

Makeover Is Looking Better To The Delight Of Residents

Dedicated community stalwarts have been hard at work transforming a patch of open space in Northway near the junction of Aldershot Road. Working in partnership with Guildford Borough Council’s parks…

Plenty Of Action In The Sun For Castle Green Bowlers

Reports by Colin Summehayes In the Mens’ Tuesday Triples League, Castle Green Bowling Club (CGBC) lost to Burpham  on Tuesday, July 30, the score being 23-38. Brian West’s team of…

Richard’s Wey July 2013

The latest of our riverbank tales from the local Stoke lengthsman Richard Cant July began for me with a last-minute mow of the locksides and strim of the visitor moorings…

MP Urges Communities To Apply For Funding To Mark First World War Centenary

With a year to go until we mark the centenary of the UK entering the First World War, Guildford MP Anne Milton is urging constituents to consider applying to the…

Man Dies in Street As Paramedics Attend: Police Rule Out Third Party Involvement

A man died in the Southway area of Guildford, yesterday evening (Tuesday, August 6). Surrey Police has confirmed that officers attended the location in Guildford yesterday where an unresponsive man…

Where Is This? No.69

By David Rose A fantastic 18 replies to last week’s mystery images – many of you getting them spot on. The vintage picture from about 1922 showed what is currently…

A Peek Inside The Long-gone Shalford Junction Signal Box

By David Rose With the news that 26 of the ‘rarest’ railway signal boxes in England have now been granted Grade II listed status by the Department for Culture, Media…