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Disabled People’s Organisation Holds Picnic In Bid To Recruit New Trustees

Published on: 11 Aug, 2013
Updated on: 11 Aug, 2013

An organisation for disabled people is holding an open day and picnic in a bid to recruit disabled people to join its board of trustees and help oversee its development and management.

SILCSurrey Independent Living Council (SILC), that supports disabled people and carers to make the most of the opportunities and freedom that direct payments can give, is about to lose three of its most experienced trustees. These trustees who have all been involved with SILC from its earliest days are stepping down from in September.

The open day and picnic is being held from 12.30pm to 3pm on Tuesday, August 20, in the grounds of SILC’s offices (Astolat, Coniers Way, Burpham GU4 7HL).

It is so important to SILC that disabled people get involved it is offering to pay for people’s transport to the event.

Jason Vaughan, the chairman of SILC and a user of direct payments for nearly 15 years, said: “We are a members’ organisation. This means we are run by, and for, the users of our service.

“The picnic will give disabled people and their carers the chance to find out more about SILC and what we do, meet the SILC staff and existing trustees, find out what being a SILC trustee is all about, give their views and enjoy some free food and drink!”

If you are interested but not able to attend the picnic, or would like more details, call Richard Davy, SILC’s chief executive on 01483 458111. Email:

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