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Stories written by David Rose

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.225

By Malcolm Fincham Trying to take advantage of some of the few pleasant days that the second half of January was providing proved to be a challenge. With prevailing Atlantic…

Who’s Who at The Guildford Dragon NEWS

It is always good to know something about those who write the articles you read so this article sets out to tell you something of who is who in The…

Effingham Eye: Covid Jabs, Unusual Parish Meeting and Threat to Neighbourhood Plan

Chris Dick writes about: a local flood, a parish meeting like no other, lack of vaccination centres and another half-decent wildlife photograph. With more forecast, snow has already caused flooding…

Foodwise’s Amazing Meals Service To Needy Families During the Pandemic

Foodwise tlc, a Christian-based charity from Guildford, has been busy throughout the pandemic helping to provide meals for families in need. Its normal mission is to deliver its Cooking on…

Scrapbook History No.4

By David Rose More newspaper and magazine cuttings people long ago pasted into scrapbooks. This time featuring groups of people. Most of these are likely to have been published in…

Canal Volunteers Clocked Up 21,807 Hours Of Work In 2020

Volunteers with the Wey & Arun Canal Trust clocked up an impressive 21,807 hours of work in 2020, despite the limitations of lockdown. The figure was just 5,614 down on…

New Podcast: Alan Turing – Five Guildford Moments

A new podcast about Alan Turing ‘the father of modern computer science’ and his strong links with Guildford officially goes live on Monday, February 1. The podcast, Alan Turing – …

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.224

By Malcolm Fincham Cold weather continued into the new year. Fortunately for me, I had a few days free to get out and about before further lockdown rules where introduced…

Drug And Alcohol Support Charity Needs To Raise Additional £10,645

A Guildford-based charity that operates a helpline and counselling service for people with drug and alcohol issues needs to raise more than £10,000 as its workload has increased during the…

Taking A Look At Some Hidden Religious History

Grace Eakin is an undergraduate studying for a degree in philosophy at the University of Reading. The Guildford Dragon NEWS is pleased to give her the opportunity of writing some…