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Bishop of Guildford Announces Retirement – And An Autumn Prayer Walk

Published on: 28 May, 2013
Updated on: 30 May, 2013

The Bishop of Guildford, the Rt Rev’d Christopher Hill, has announced that he is to retire in September, after nine years as the head of the diocese.

The Bishop of Guildford, the Rt rev'd Christopher Hill has announced his retirement.

The Bishop of Guildford, the Rt Rev’d Christopher Hill has announced his retirement.

In letter to clergy and members of the Diocese of Guildford, Bishop Christopher wrote: “As I hinted on Maundy Thursday at the Eucharist in the cathedral for the renewal of ministries, I shall be retiring in the autumn. There will be a farewell service on Saturday, September 28, at 3pm to which all are invited.

“At the end of that service, as I relinquish my diocesan responsibilities Bishop Ian [Brackley, Bishop of Dorking], on behalf of you all, will commission me to begin a prayer walk in different parts of the diocese which will take place over the following weeks.

“I anticipate traversing different parts of the diocese, for example, along the Basingstoke Canal – Fleet to Woking; the River Wey –Woking to Weybridge and Woking to Godalming; the River Thames parishes; the Epsom Downs; Woking to Cranleigh using the old railway line cycle way; and Guildford to Dorking along the Pilgrims’ Way and the Surrey Hills path.

“The plan would be to begin with some prayer at one point, to walk and invite others to walk with me along part of the way and to pause for prayer stations in a church or a school, or community space according to local suggestion. The intention of the prayer walk would be for our common purpose as a diocese – that is, for growth in spiritual maturity, growth in numbers and growth in community engagement. We shall also pray for the right appointment of a new bishop and for those who will take care of the diocese in the diocesan vacancy, especially Bishop Ian, Archdeacon Stuart [Beake] and the other diocesan officers.”

Further details about Bishop Christopher’s retirement and his ministry can be found on the Diocese of Guildford website. Click here.

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Responses to Bishop of Guildford Announces Retirement – And An Autumn Prayer Walk

  1. Gerald Bland Reply

    May 31, 2013 at 4:10 pm

    If I bump into him before he goes walkabout, now that I know what he looks like, it will be my first sighting!

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