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Buy Local Campaign Successful Says Organiser

Published on: 15 Jun, 2013
Updated on: 20 Jun, 2013
Young or old(er!), the message is the same... Buy Local and support your local shops and businesses.

Young or old(er!), the message is the same… Buy Local and support your local shops and businesses.

A campaign to encourage shoppers to favour local independent shops was a great success attracting a lot of support according to its organiser Sally Castro-Gouveia of The Best of Guildford.

Sally in the cap) with part of her team of supporters in the High street stall.

Sally in the cap) with part of her team of supporters in the High Street stall.

Guildford's Mayor, Cllr Diana Lockyer-Nibbs visting the stall.

The Mayor of Guildford, Diana Lockyer-Nibbs, visiting the stall.


She said: “The campaign culminated in an amazing day on Saturday when we had a stall in Guildford High Street. We handed out about 300 bags stuffed with local offers.

“We were also really pleased to attract the support of our MP Anne Milton, the Mayor of Godalming and on Saturday itself we were privileged to have the Mayor of Guildford come along.

“Soon we will release a video for this campaign produced by Chris Towndrow from London Corporate Media. It will include independent shop owners expressing their reasons as to why it’s important for local people to buy locally.”

Social media also played it’s part in the campaign. Supporting comments were tweeted such as one from Enchanted Wood Toys ?@EWToys2h:  “Well done @suppasally @bestofguildford for raising the profile of local businesses last week. Big thanks!”

The BNI business breakfast networking group showing their support at the Mandolay Hotel.

The BNI business breakfast networking group showing their support at the Mandolay Hotel.

And a Facebook page contains all the activities and pictures going on the past two weeks:

Success! Guildford shoppers who had visited Sally's stall and got their free shopping bag, spreading the message.

Success! Guildford shoppers, who had visited Sally’s stall, spreading the message with their free shopping bags.

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