Fringe Box



Buzzards Spotted on Riverside Walk

Published on: 21 Apr, 2013
Updated on: 21 Apr, 2013
Robert Craig indicating another point of interest on the bridge by St Catherin'es Lock

Robert Craig indicating another point of interest on the bridge by St Catherine’s Lock

‘Rob The Lock’ Craig, the National Trust lengthsman in St Catherine’s, guided a group of local residents, and two dogs, on a Riverside Walk yesterday (April 20th).

Butter Burr, one of the wild flowers pointed by Robert. The plant is so called because its leaves were used to wrap butter - Photo Mike Bennett

Butter Burr, one of the wild flowers pointed by Robert. The plant is so called because its leaves were used to wrap butter – Photo Mike Bennett

Along the Wey, Robert pointed out points of interest about the history of the navigation, local flora and fauna and the new weir installation by his home ‘Riff Raff Cottage’.

Fortunately, after the seemingly never ending winter, the sun shone and everyone appreciated the more Spring like temperatures.

One highlight of the walk was observing two buzzards, one of which was flocked by a crow who was seemingly fearless of the much bigger raptor.

The walk organised by the St Catherine’s Village Association culminated in a pub lunch at Ye Olde Ship Inn, St Catherine’s where the walkers watched a slide show of birds that can be seen in the area.

Robert writes the monthly Riff Raff Diary which appears in the nature section of The Guildford Dragon NEWS.

The new Riff Raff weir. Photo Mike Bennett

The new Riff Raff weir. Photo Mike Bennett

The Alfred Leroy passes by, St Catherine's Hill in the background

The Alfred Leroy passes by, St Catherine’s Hill in the background

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