Fringe Box



Calling Former 9th Guildford Scouts

Published on: 28 Feb, 2012
Updated on: 28 Feb, 2012

By David Rose

Open invite to a special parade service at Guildford United Reformed Church on Sunday, November 27.

9th Guildford Scouts pictured in the 1920s.

Former members of the 9th Guildford (Congregational) Scout Troop are invited to a parade service on Sunday, November 27, at 10.30am, at the United Reformed Church, Portsmouth Road, Guildford.

The parade service will be a celebration of past and present, and its organisers would love to see anyone who has ever been a member (potentially up to 110 years old!).

On display will be the group’s historic stained glass windows, originally from Centenary Hall.  These treasured windows have not been seen in public for some 30 years.

The 9th Guildford (Congregational) Troop was one of the earliest in the country and was a very large and flourishing group which met in Centenary Hall, Chapel Street  (now Loch Fyne restaurant) for over 50 years.

Some years later the troop sadly dwindled in numbers, so it was merged with St Nicolas Scout Troop to became the St Nicolas 9th Guildford Group, which met in the old scout hut tucked away behind St Nicolas School.

The combined group in turn went through its own “phoenix phase” after nearly closing, but today is happily flourishing once again. Beavers and cubs are full to capacity with long waiting lists and the scout group is growing apace again.

At the parade service, in addition to the current beavers, cubs and scouts, rainbows and brownies, a special invite goes to all those who have been associated with the 9th Guildford in the past.

For more details about the parade service contact Fiona Yeomans by email at

The group is keen to hear from anyone with old photos, memorabilia and memories. Contact John Pettett at

The Through Time section of this website will feature a story and vintage photos of the 9th Guildford Scouts on the eve of the parade service. 

Helping with the harvest sometime in about the 1920s.

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