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Can You Identify These Locations? (7)

Published on: 28 Feb, 2012
Updated on: 28 Feb, 2012

By David Rose

There were no suggestions as to the locations of the previous three mystery pictures – and which I readily admit that I do not know where they are.

If you haven’t seen them, do have a look.

A building in St Nicolas parish – the name and street if possible?

Two more this time, again from my friend Chris Quinn’s collection.

However, I do know the location of the first photo and I reckon someone else will also recognise the house.

It’s in the parish of St Nicolas in Guildford, but today is no longer a house, but used as offices.

There is an interesting message on the back of this postcard, sent to Droxford in Hampshire on June 1, 1927, some of which I quote: “Our new ‘ome after September. We shall want you to come and see us quite soon after we have spread ourselves out in it. Looking forward to seeing you on the Sunday after Whitsun. Did I tell you we are flying to Ostend. Booked to leave Croydon Aerodrome 2.30 on Saturday, and returning the following Friday. Loud thrills of joy.”

The second postcard is named as View From The Mount. But is it the one in Guildford?

If you have any suggestions, please leave a post below.

Comments and answers soon…

Is this The Mount in Guildford?

3 Responses to “Can You Identify These Locations? (7)”

  1. Roger Nicholas says:

    My guess is that it is the view from the vicinity of Booker’s Tower looking south/south-east. The photograph would date from the early 20th century when the only building in Beech Lane was the ‘Hermitage’, but the main clue is the wooded area in the distance which would be Blackheath and neighbouring areas. The view has changed somewhat in the intervening period but not vastly – if my guess is correct!

  2. Carol Norris says:

    Picture 1: It is Westbury House, Bury Street, Guildford where I was born and spent my childhood. I suspect the postcard may have been sent by my father’s family.
    Picture 2: I suspect not The Mount Guildford. The large wooded area in the background doesn’t seem like the Guildford area.

  3. Ian Plowman says:

    Is it Westbury House Bury Street?


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