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Local Knowledge Needed to Help Signpost Westborough Trim Trail

Published on: 7 Nov, 2012
Updated on: 10 Nov, 2012

A plea has gone out to knowledgeable Westborough residents, from Guildford Borough Council, for help compiling information signs for a new green fitness trail that will be ready soon.

Westborough Woods and some of the play equipment installed here earlier in 2012. The trim trail will also go through here.

The Westborough Trim Trail will link green spaces including Westborough Woods and the Woodside Road play area, creating a 2km route, lined with outdoor fitness equipment and information signs about the history of the local area.

People are encouraged to run, walk or jog the trail which, according to Cllr Julia McShane (Lib Dem, Westborough) “will enhance those areas which are already used by local residents”.

Cllr Richard Billington, responsible for community Safety and Health at Guildford Borough Council, said: “We would like to hear from anyone who can tell us more about the history of the Westborough area, so we can add this to the signs that will appear along the route.” Send an email to: or call 01483 505050 and ask to speak to the parks department.

The project is already a community effort.  Cllr Mc Shane said: “A community fun day was held on October 13 at the Park Barn Centre and residents were able to come along and watch presentations given by the groups applying for the funding.

“Residents then voted for the projects they wanted to see receive grant money. County councillor Fiona White and I along with other community representatives were part of the team that organised the event and were delighted that residents were being given the chance to determine something for themselves in their own community.”

TravelSMART, a Surrey County Council scheme designed to “provide people with more travel choices that help cut carbon, calories and cost”, provided £15,000 towards the trim trail. It aims to help people travel better while supporting economic growth and cutting carbon.

Guildford has been chosen to benefit from the three-year project due to its “economic contribution to the county” but also because of congestion and transport issues.

CHIPS, the Westborough charity which supports children and families who do not have access to safe play environments and those at risk of isolation through poverty, has been granted £24k by TravelSMART to continue to run a play scheme during school holidays in 2013.

“CHIPS was also voted to receive grant money at the community fun day and this just goes to show how much the community values and supports the CHIPS play scheme,” said Cllr McShane.

More than a thousand places are available each year for children living in Westborough or attending Guildford Grove Primary School. CHIPS relies on funding from grants, trusts and donations but is still advising phone callers that although they hope to be running a play scheme in Easter 2013 “funding is yet to be confirmed”.

John Furey, Surrey County Council’s cabinet member for transport and environment, said: “Our TravelSMART programme has money available for projects that make it easier for people to get around and boost economic growth.  It’s also for schemes that bring services into local communities that reduce the need to travel.”

An area of Guildford already benefitting from TravelSMART money is the A25 by Stoke Park; the borough council are urging other community groups in Stoke and Stoughton to suggest ways of improving their local areas in order to claim their share of the grant.

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Responses to Local Knowledge Needed to Help Signpost Westborough Trim Trail

  1. Muriel Wheeler Reply

    November 27, 2012 at 2:01 pm

    All of the staff are absolutely delighted with the grant. Without it we wouldn’t have been able to run the play scheme at Guildford Grove School next year.

    We have been funded by the National Lottery for the last five years and since that has run out we have been exploring other avenues. We are still looking for money to fund a two weeks’ play scheme at Weyfield School.

    Our play schemes are open to all – including children with behaviour difficulties and disabilities. We need a high staff ratio and, fortunately, most of our staff return each year so the children get to know them.

    Muriel Whips is a coordinator for CHIPS

  2. Claire Pearcy Reply

    September 23, 2014 at 2:36 pm

    Do you know where I can get a map/route for the trail? My son and I have seen a few of the signs and would like to follow the trail but don’t know where it starts or goes through.

    [David Rose replies: Yes, the signs are now going up – more than a year since the trail was created and the equipment installed by Guildford Borough Council. I certainly hope leaflets are produced and that there is a big push to promote this fantastic resource, with a decent official launch. Promotional material needs to go to local groups, organisations, GP surgeries, schools, shops and businesses. I hope to be able to assist with this in my role as co-ordinator of the Joining In! project (managed by Voluntary Action South West Surrey) that supports community involvement in Westborough and Park Barn. I await the posters, flyers and information from Guildford Borough Council.]

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