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Letter: There Are Others Ways To Fund Church Extension

From Mandy Millyard The petition mentioned in your article raised more that 1,700 signatures against this proposal. I was present at the hearing last Wednesday. The church commissioners were amazed…

Letter: Councillors Should Not Expect A Living Wage

From Bernard Parke, Hon Alderman In response to Zoe Franklin’s opinion piece: “Opinion: Why I Can’t Continue To Be A Councillor“ Nearly half of the total number of 48 borough…

Letter: Councillor Franklin Deserves Thanks – She Stood For Her Own Ward

From Julian Lyon In response to Zoe Franklin’s opinion piece: “Opinion: Why I Can’t Continue To Be A Councillor“ Whilst not specifically commenting on the question of viability, I would…

Letter: I Serve Local, Not Party Political, Interests

A Lib Dem Stoughton councillor, Pauline Searle, writes in response to Tony Ferris’ letter: “Why I Am Standing As An Independent For Stoughton“. Being elected as a ward councillor means…

Letter: I am Pessimistic Too

From Dominique Kelly I totally agree with Martin Giles’ article, “Why I am Pessimistic for Guildford“.  Having recently moved into the area in the last three years, I have started…

Letter: National Leader Debate: A Local Turn-off?

From Tony Ferris, standing as an independent candidate for Stoughton in the Guildford Borough Council election I watched the national leader debate on television last week with great expectations. However, the more I…

Letter: Veil Of Anonymity Over Wisley Site Could Be Lifted, But Council Refuses

From Tony Edwards of Ockham The veil of anonymity covering the people behind the proposal for a ‘new town’ at Three Farms Meadows, the former Wisley airfield site, could be…

Letter: Council Candidates Must Focus The On Issues In Their Wards

From Alderman Gordon Bridger As the election date approaches, I wonder if I could suggest that all candidates standing for election should concentrate on the issues and concerns of the…

Letter: Is Proposed Standard Livery For Guildford Taxis Necessary?

From Alderman Bernard Parke It  cannot be easy for Guildford’s licensed taxi drivers to make a living from their chosen occupation, especially when, like the rest of us, they suffer from the extreme traffic…

Letter: Why I Am Standing As An Independent For Stoughton

From Tony Ferris, standing as an independent councillor for Stoughton in the forthcoming Guildford Borough Council elections. Thanks to Bernard Parke for his kind words about the return of independent candidates…