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Letter: We Owe Susan Parker A Debt of Gratitude

Published on: 29 Sep, 2015
Updated on: 29 Sep, 2015

Davis v Parker re museumFrom Michael Bruton

Party Secretary of the Guildford Greenbelt Group

Cllr Davis’ conduct towards Mrs Parker, as reported in the article Councillor Expelled From Review Groups After She Writes To The Dragon, is symptomatic of Guildford Borough Council’s (GBC) attitude to her and the Guildford Greenbelt Group (GGG) in general – demonstrated by their placing the GGG councillors in a corner of the council chamber from the first council meeting.

The Conservative attitude towards GGG is similar to how Labour fiefdom councils behave towards minority political parties. We do not need a Home Counties version of Doncaster.

Mrs Parker merely commented on information already in the public arena. And good on her for so doing.

What shocks me is the total silence and sheep like behaviour of most Conservative councillors over anything that the overweening Executive does. And the Lib Dems appear to cosy up to the Conservatives in the hope of what? A few crumbs from the Tory table? They should be mindful of the Lib Dem fate at Westminster.

GBC Tories appear to behave like the Queen of Hearts in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. About the only thing the Queen says is, “Off with their heads.”

Guildford Borough Council is now beyond satire. No wonder it keeps starring in the ‘Rotten Boroughs’ column of Private Eye (four times in a year).

But I wager that Mrs Parker is a match for any number of Queen of Hearts in any situation. We owe her a debt of gratitude for exposing the arrogance of GBC.

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Responses to Letter: We Owe Susan Parker A Debt of Gratitude

  1. Ben Paton Reply

    September 29, 2015 at 4:58 pm

    And so say all of us.

    It is very boring listening to the Executive’s broken record – or Draft Local Plan – over and over. After 20,000 objections it ought to be dead and buried.

    Nor do we need any lessons in ‘economic growth’ or ‘loyalty’ from this Executive whose grasp of the principles are as weak as its grasp of the facts.

    Cllr Davis is just a freshman councillor. Why was he immediately promoted straight to the Executive?

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