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Time Is Running Out For Those Wishing To Object To The Waitrose Application

From Bernard Parke Hon. Alderman The planning application for a new Waitrose supermarket on the site of the Bellerby Theatre, in Haydon Place, is due to be decided at the…

Letter: Is it Onslow or the University Ward?

From Bernard Parke Hon. Alderman Some years ago when I was Mayor the number of electors registered to vote in the students halls was approximately 1600. Now it is over…

Letter: A Town Council Could Sort Out These Shameful Eyesores

From Jonthan Tatlow I have known Guildford all my life and I have lived and worked in the town centre for nearly half a century. I can therefore say with…

Letter: Can You Help Name Those In The Holy Trinity School Photos?

From Julian Lyon Interesting piece on Holy Trinity School. The photo of the 1960’s was my year group and again shown in the 1970’s (must have been academic year 1971-2). …

Letter: Guildford Has Too Much Through Traffic

From Bernard Parke Hon Alderman The time is 09.30 hours on a typical day on the Farnham Road ( A31). Most of this traffic is not that of workers or…

Letter: New Park & Ride – We Need to Think Of The Impact On Other Roads Too

From Cllr Adrian Chandler (Con, Onslow) I felt that the meeting held in the Park Barn Centre on 4th October was excellent. It  allowed the residents to air many deep…

Letter: Measures To Prevent Locals From Using Park & Ride Are Shocking

From Mark Payne The Park & Ride proposal moves traffic from the town centre to an out of town area already suffering from congestion. It simply must have direct access…

Letter: Litter Collection Should Be More Efficient

From J Moore Unfortunately, I have only just read about the Guildford Borough Council [GBC] meetings and have missed the opportunity to attend. However, I would like to add my…

Letter: Hopeful Signs From New Council Leader

From Gordon Bridger Hon Alderman I am very pleased that we appear to have a Leader, at last, who is prepared to listen and appreciates that, while business and profits…

Letter: Landlords Should Control Their Tenants

From Bernard Parke Hon Alderman We have now have over 1300 houses let in the Borough that do not pay council tax. It is said that the shortfall is made…