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Letter: Weekly Lottery Prize For Winning Parking Ticket?

Published on: 12 Oct, 2013
Updated on: 12 Oct, 2013

By Ben Darnton

Ben’s Collector’s Records, Tunsagte, Guildford

With the sad news for Guildford’s traders and visitors that on-street parking charges are rising again to keep in line with the recent car park charging hikes, I’ve been racking my brain to come up with a solution that could keep all involved reasonably content.

Why not introduce a weekly GBC lottery prize for a winning parking ticket number?

With £700k raised annually for GBC car parks, I’m sure there would be some car park users only too glad to see a return on their heavy investment!

This solution would encourage visitors, create positive publicity for GBC car parks, as well as giving car park users something to remember if they won; and who knows, some of the prize money could end up being spent in some of Guildfords shops,thus contributing to the high rates and rents levied!

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