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Were You A 9th Guildford (Congregational) Scout?

By David Rose Here’s a photo from the 1960s that shows members of the 9th Guildford (Congregational) Cub Scout Troop. It belongs to Jeff Gibbs, who says: “I was a…

Parke’s People No.3: Bruce Bernard Weatherill

In the third of an occasional series about people who are now sometimes forgotten, but who have a connection with Guildford in one way or another, Bernard Parke recalls Bruce Bernard Weatherill.…

Where Is This? No.7

By David Rose Well done to Ian Plowman, Darrol Radley, and my old mate Simon Vine, who replied last week – they all knew the mystery date and the location…

Lifting The Pot-lid On What The Chemist Sold

by David Rose One hundred or so years ago you didn’t squeeze your toothpaste or face cream from a plastic tube – it came in a small glazed ceramic pot…

Where Is This? No.6

by David Rose A good number of replies to last week’s mystery photos. I think just about everyone recognised the photo that was taken at the bottom of North Street…

New Book is a Tribute to Jack Phillips, a Hero of the Titanic

The town of Godalming responded quickly to the news of the sinking of the Titanic and the story of the bravery of the ship’s chief wireless officer, Jack Phillips. The…

Parke’s People No.2: P. G. Wodehouse

In the second of an occasional series about people who have had a connection with Guildford in one way or another, Bernard Parke recalls Pelham Grenville Wodehouse. P. G. Wodehouse The houses…

New Book Puts Focus on George Abbot’s Guildford

You don’t have to go far in Guildford to see that Archbishop George Abbot has left his mark on the town. You can’t miss his famous almshouse, Abbot’s Hospital, at…

The WWII Crash of C47 ‘Lilly Bell II’

The military aircraft that crashed in a field at Hurst Farm, Jacobs Well, Guildford, on October 25, 1944, killing its four-man crew, received little attention in the local press at the time.…

Where Is This? No.5

by David Rose Only one reply to last week’s poser, and Bernard Parke, who is usually pretty good at identifying the locations, was unfortunately off target. The first photo showed…