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Celebrating Guildford Borough’s Talented Gardeners

Published on: 21 Sep, 2017
Updated on: 21 Sep, 2017

Innovative gardening was celebrated as Guildford in Bloom 2017 contestants were awarded prizes for their creative contributions.

This year 257 entrants took part in nine categories set by Guildford Borough Council – from allotments and kitchen gardens, to neighbourhood projects and wildlife spaces, horticulture, and front gardens.

The awards ceremony took place at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre on Thursday, September 14, with more than 300 attendees, including school children and a range of residents, business and community groups.

Snaky Lane Wildlife Area in Ash Vale.

In total, 252 prizes were awarded, with 40 gardeners picking up the top gold award. Best overall winner was the Snaky Lane Wildlife Area in Ash Vale for its entry in the best wildlife garden category.

The Best in Category award winners were:

Best School in Bloom: Weyfield Primary Academy School.

Best Small Front Garden: Peter and Joan Smith.

Best Large Front Garden and winner of the Best Front Garden Trophy: Rosemary Yvonne Tribe

Best Allotment and Vegetable Kitchen Garden: Les and Stella Hind.

Best Garden for Wildlife: Snaky Lane Wildlife Area.

Gomshall Mill.

Best Pub in Bloom: Gomshall Mill.

Gary Richards’ garden.

Best Container Garden: Gary Richards.

Dagley Lane Community Project’s garden in Shalford.

Best Neighbourhood Project: Dagley Lane Community Project, Shalford.

Best New Entry and winner of the Dorothy Walden Award: Peter and Joan Smith.

Overall Competition Winner: Snaky Lane Wildlife Area.

A full list of winners is available at

The chairman of Guildford in Bloom, council leader, Paul Spooner, said: “Guildford in Bloom brings the local community together to promote innovative, creative ways to make the town and surrounding areas look their best, and champions our natural environment.

“It’s wonderful to see more entries than ever this year, especially from local allotment holders and pubs.”

Cllr Richard Billington, lead councillor for rural economy, countryside, parks and leisure added: “We’d like to thank everyone who worked hard on their entries and entered a fantastic range of gardens, allotments, businesses and schools for this year’s competition.

“The committee would also like to thank our sponsors, and the council’s parks and leisure team for their hard work in supporting this excellent annual event.”

Guildford in Bloom events this year included the Picnic in the Castle Grounds – where more than 1,000 people enjoyed summer festival entertainment, and the opening of the flowerbeds, which celebrated 50 years of the Guildford Lions Club.

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