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Chief Constable Says: ‘Don’t Become Complacent About Government Advice’

Published on: 3 Apr, 2020
Updated on: 3 Apr, 2020

Chief Constable Gavin Stephens

Surrey Police have repeated calls for people to stay at home and follow government guidelines.

Surrey’s Chief Constable Gavin Stephens, notes in a video statement that his officers have noticed an increase in vehicular traffic and speeding.

He said: “We’re working with partner agencies across Surrey to keep our communities safe during the Covid-19 pandemic and to support the NHS.

“I know that I can rely on the support of communities across Surrey, but I’d also ask that people don’t become complacent about the advice issued by the government. We all need to stay at home to save lives, now is not the time to try to interpret the guidance for our own means. If your journey isn’t essential please stay at home.

“In my latest message, you’ll hear from me and also my colleague Chief Fire Officer, Steve Owen-Hughes, on the work our teams and others are doing to assist the most vulnerable in our communities.”

See also: Surrey’s Chief Constable Talks to The Guildford Dragon NEWS

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Responses to Chief Constable Says: ‘Don’t Become Complacent About Government Advice’

  1. Robert Good Reply

    April 5, 2020 at 10:51 am

    “Don’t become complacent about government advice,” is the headline.

    When Prime Minister Johnson told everyone it was OK for 250,000 people to rub shoulders at Cheltenham races, I was not the least bit complacent.

    I was enraged that our Prime Minister was actively encouraging members of the public to cause themselves harm and/or death.

    A doctor giving such advice would quickly find himself in front of the General Medical Council for professional malpractice, and on the receiving end of writs for indefensibly negligent medical advice.

    I see nothing to become complacent about.

    • Jim Allen Reply

      April 5, 2020 at 4:46 pm

      Pandemic, exponential, lethal, serious, contagious – which words do speakers of the English language not understand?

      People have personal choice and 250,000(?) had that choice and choose to ignore the warnings.

      Today along the A3 race track we have had motorbikes and cars travelling at speeds far beyond the National 70mph speed limit. Is it Boris’s fault they are speeding?

      We can all have PhD’s in hind sight. Tomorrow I will be able to predict 1,205,801 contacted the virus at 16:00 5th April 2020. After speaking to many friends across the world (what else is Skype for?), they are all suffering from the, ‘Wow how did that happen! Syndrome.

      Stop knocking the team and lets all work together. Stay at home and support the NHS. A small price for being alive tomorrow.

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