Fringe Box



Citizen Initiative Continues In Effort To Deter Artington ‘Rat Running’

Published on: 18 Oct, 2017
Updated on: 20 Oct, 2017

Local residents in Artington are to continue to monitor vehicles using Stakescorner Road, Littleton Lane and Sandy Lane, used by some motorists at rush hour to avoid traffic congestion on the A3100 Old Portsmouth Road, south of Guildford.

The route, since 1999 has had an “Access Only” restriction and should not be used by through traffic.

The monitoring is carried out by members of Artington Parish Council and although not a police initiative, it is done with police knowledge and support.

Observers, at each end of the route, log vehicle movements and registration numbers. These are then compared and details of those who appear to be ignoring the traffic restriction are passed to the police who issue warning letter to vehicle owners.

If a third instance is recorded the police will pay a visit to the owner’s home address.

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