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Sentenced – Cleaner Who Stole From Her Employers ‘In Breach Of Trust’

Published on: 30 May, 2013
Updated on: 3 Jun, 2013

Above video clip was uploaded to YouTube by Stephen Thair

A Guildford cleaner was sentenced today (May 30), at Guildford Magistrates Court, having pleaded guilty, for a third time in as many months, to charges of theft from her employers.

Kristina or Krisztina Nemeth, a Hungarian national, wanted the slate wiped clean by requesting that thefts she admitted to, from six employers not mentioned in the charges against her, were also taken into consideration.

Sentencing her to 12 weeks imprisonment suspended for 12 months, 150 hours of unpaid community service and ordering her to pay £3,800 compensation, costs and victim surcharge, Susan Urqhart JP said: “You have committed your crimes in breach of the trust placed in you by your employers, within their own homes.”

Two of victims, Nemeth’s former employers were in court, they said: “We wanted to see justice done.”

Nemeth, who is married with a young son, appeared as a dejected figure throughout the proceedings which were extended and delayed whilst the necessary paperwork was found and examined. Her lawyer said her mental health had suffered since the first court case and that she had attempted suicide.

The first case came to light when one employer, Stephen Thair, who had begun to suspect Nemeth set up a web cam and recorded her taking £20 from his wallet. He reported the incident to the police who cautioned Nemeth for the crime. Mr Thair also alerted other friends and The Guildford Dragon NEWS. The video recording was included in the report of the incident.

Another employer Mrs Coatelen-Hodgson, alerted by Mr Thair, reported a theft from her of items including a hard drive containing the only copies of her wedding photos. For this crime Nemeth received a community order to carry out 60 hours of unpaid community service, and ordered to pay a total of £345 in compensation, costs and victim surcharge.

But other employers now alerted by word of mouth or the first article on the Guildford Dragon NEWS, realised, after cross-checking Nemeth’s eBay record, she had stolen from them too. Their reports to the police and Nemeth’s admissions led to today’s court case.

See also:
Guildford Cleaner Caught Stealing On Camera Receives Police Caution
Cleaner Who Was Caught on Camera Convicted Again – Further Investigations Continue

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