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‘Out of Control’ Bus Leaves Road and Crashes Feet From Occupied Flats

Published on: 14 Jun, 2017
Updated on: 14 Jun, 2017

A resident surveys the scene, the crashed bus still astride the brick wall it had crashed through.

A passenger bus crashed through cars and a brick wall on the Woodbridge Road this evening at about 7pm (June 14, 2017), coming to rest just feet from occupied flats.

One witness reported that it had been seen, apparently out of control, emerging from Leas Road, where the Arriva bus depot is located. Skid marks, apparently substantiating the witnesses claim could be seen on the road.

The clearly visible skid marks show the reported route of the bus before crashing.

As it emerged from the junction the bus then turned in a wide arc to the left which took it over to the town bound carriageway, back over the end of the raised central reservation before continuing through parked cars, the pavement and a brick wall before coming to rest, partly suspended, over the small space in front of occupied flats that line the road opposite Anderton’s Music Shop.

The bus was left partly suspended over the depressed gap between the flats and the pavement. Behind it the car that had been pushed through the wall.

Fortunately, the bus was out of service, so no passengers were on board and despite, at one stage, being on the wrong side of the road, then crashing through five cars and crossing a pavement.

The driver was observed to have been shaken but had no apparent physical injuries, according to a witness who saw him emerge.

These three cars that had been parked, and were unoccupied, had all been damaged by the bus.

Woodbridge Road was closed to northbound traffic but some vehicles were still being allowed to travel on the town bound carriageway while recovery commenced. One car had been flipped onto it roof by the bus and another pushed through a brick wall.

All three emergency services attended the scene. The car that had been flipped onto its roof can be seen on the left.

Several police cars an ambulance and a fire and rescue tender attended the incident.

The flipped car having been righted by the fire and rescue team.

A police spoken said later: “One person was treated for minor injuries.

“A man has been arrested in connection with the incident and is currently in custody.

“Anyone who witnessed the collision is asked to contact Surrey Police on 101 quoting incident reference number P17146753.”

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Responses to ‘Out of Control’ Bus Leaves Road and Crashes Feet From Occupied Flats

  1. Tracy Cox Reply

    June 15, 2017 at 9:03 am

    My daughter was on the path, heard a noise and saw a bus, pushing a car. She said the bus was coming towards her at speed and she had to run to avoid being hit by it or the car. After the bus came to a stop she then dialled 999.

    I shudder to think if she had her headphones in would she have heard enough for her to stop and turn.

    • Jeff Bott Reply

      June 27, 2017 at 9:53 am

      A good lesson learnt then Tracy Cox – people should not have headphones in when commuting, especially on busy roads. Anyone familiar with this location knows the line of parked cars protects the pavement so to suggest people had to run is somewhat dramatic. Glad to hear nobody was hurt.

      • Paul Bishop Reply

        June 28, 2017 at 12:05 pm

        Did you not see where the bus ended up? It went straight through the parked cars and across the pavement, the cars certainly didn’t protect anyone!

      • Dave Middleton Reply

        June 29, 2017 at 9:27 am

        I agree that the wearing of headphones when out and about is not a good idea as they reduce your awareness of your immediate environment and make you more vulnerable to crime.

        However, Jeff Bott’s comment about the line of parked cars at the location protecting pedestrians is rather foolish, bearing in mind that the bus, weighing several tons, crashed through the line of parked cars, ran along the pavement and crashed through a brick wall on the other side, skittling two cars up onto the pavement and taking another car through the wall with it.

        Not much protection there!

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