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Councillor Apologises For Retweeting ‘Doctored’ Students’ Union Video of Fellow Councillor

Published on: 22 Oct, 2019
Updated on: 26 Oct, 2019

A GBC Executive member has apologised for retweeting a YouTube video clip published by the University of Surrey’s Students’ Union.

The clip, ostensibly to encourage voter registration, shows Cllr Susan Parker (leader, Guildford Greenbelt Group) commenting during a Planning Committee debate on an application for more student accommodation in Walnut Tree Close.

But the clip, with misspelt caption, failed to show the context of her comment and also omitted the part where she voted in favour of the application.

Cllr James Steel

Cllr James Steel (Lib Dem, Westborough) lead for Tourism, Leisure, and Sport, told the Guildford Dragon NEWS: “I originally did tweet it but after looking at the context of the meeting I realised that was a mistake and took it down. Sorry for any offence to Susan this might cause.”

Cllr Parker said: “To set the record straight: I would like to see more students housed on the University of Surrey [UoS] campus.

“There there is already planning permission for 2,000 units, which the university has failed to build for the past five years at least.

Cllr Susan Parker

“I do think it a shame when prime residential land is used for student accommodation instead of permanent homes since that means land for sustainable building will create dwellings which are used for only half the year. This increases urban sprawl, which is environmentally undesirable.

“Taking the quote out of context is pretty silly.

“I don’t understand why the Students’ Union chose to construct a badly researched personal attack on me, nor why Cllr Steel chose to retweet it. Is it that I have opposed Blackwell Farm, in which UoS has a financial interest?”

In May this year, the Students’ Union apologised to Cllr Parker for failing to invite her to a hustings event. It is understood their rationale was that the GGG party Cllr Parker leads was not standing in any of the town centre wards where nearly all UoS students reside.

Students Union apology Tweet to Susan Parker, sent in May.

Jacob Allen, a Labour Party activist and former part-time officer of the university’s Political Society, also retweeted the Planning video on his personal account.

He said: “Cllr Parker threatened to report the SU [Students’ Union] to the Electoral Commission for not including the GGG in a hustings debate.

Jacob Allen

“The SU invited Lab (Howard Smith), Con (Paul Spooner), R4GV (John Rigg) and Lib Dem (George Potter), as these were the four main parties students (who overwhelmingly live in Guildford town) had the choice to vote for.

No GGG candidate stood in a densely student populated area like Onslow, FSN or Westborough.

“While Cllr Parker’s vote [at the GBC Planning meeting] was in favour of the development, the video shows her reluctance and resentment. It gave the vibe the councillors are merely tolerating us.

“To be frank, it was condescending. If a councillor had said that “We deplore the fact that we are protecting yet more green belt”, the GGG would be up in arms.

“The GGG just don’t understand the struggles students face in Surrey. It is (along with others) adamant on the University housing 60% of students on campus. This shows shocking naivety as for the past two years now, there have been empty rooms on campus. Capacity is not the issue.

“Even if it was, we are adults and the borough council has no authority to dictate where people can and cannot live. The issue is rent prices and bad landlords exploiting the housing market.

“Young people get a raw deal with housing, and I believe only Labour offers a sensible and radical solution.”

Asked about empty rooms on campus Mr Allen continued: “Lots of the rooms are kept as emergency accommodation. The new builds up at Manor Park, by the Royal Surrey County Hospital, are very flash and expensive, built to attract high fee-paying international students.

“The cheapest rooms have been earmarked for demolition for a few years but the Students’ Union keeps lobbying for delay so the less well-off students can keep living there.”

The Students’ Union has been invited to comment.

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Responses to Councillor Apologises For Retweeting ‘Doctored’ Students’ Union Video of Fellow Councillor

  1. Valerie Thompson Reply

    October 22, 2019 at 6:20 pm

    Councillor Parker is quite right in pressing the University of Surrey to house more of its students. Of course, students can live where they like but building accommodation for them on prime residential land in Guildford goes against all sense, when, as has been pointed out, this accommodation stands empty for half the year, while essential low-cost housing is not being provided in sufficient quantity for those on the housing waiting list.

  2. Adam Aaronson Reply

    October 22, 2019 at 7:40 pm

    I am surprised at the antagonism that Guildford Lib Dem councillors seem to enjoy levelling at Guildford Greenbelt Group councillors. I think I would call it bullying.

    It looks like there may be a General Election soon.

    If Guildford Lib Dems want to stand a chance in taking the seat, they will need to work hard at getting every vote they can. If GGG chooses not to field a candidate, then people who voted GGG in the council elections will be assessing for whom who to vote. On current showing, it’s unlikely that they are going to pick up the GGG vote. If they are going to behave like this, I hope they don’t bother knocking at my door.

  3. Dave Middleton Reply

    October 23, 2019 at 1:40 pm

    More to the point, the Students’ Union, and specifically the individuals concerned in producing and publishing this video, should be the ones apologising to Cllr Parker and the wider Borough Council. Needless to say, I won’t hold my breath in anticipation.

  4. Colin Cross Reply

    October 23, 2019 at 2:09 pm

    Cllr Parker is, of course, quite correct in her assertions and her underlying logic is fundamentally sound. Cllr Steel made a mistake and has had the good grace to own up to it and apologise.

    This is a refreshing change from the last administration and to be commended. The phrase “naive oversight ” has been much in vogue of late but this episode is surely one where it could be correctly applied?

    Colin Cross is the R4GV borough councillor for Lovelace (Ripley, Wisley and Ockham)

  5. Julian Cranwell Reply

    October 24, 2019 at 7:55 am

    I had hoped that this kind of nastiness had died with the demise of the Guildford Tories. It appears that my hopes were misguided.

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